Wednesday 23 April 2014

We are the people.

"Here, fork you."
- Pete, as he handed me a fork I dropped. I've laughed at some pretty stupid shit but this had to take the cake. Oh god, I'm a sucker for really bad jokes.

I got smacked in the balls today. Let me give you a sentiment on how sensitive a man's balls are. A man will cover every inch of his balls when they're naked even if he was the only living thing on Earth. A man will cover his balls with his hand even if he was wearing a cup specifically designed to protect his balls. A man will hover his hand over his balls when fighting someone with no limbs and a man will always cover his balls even when he's already covering his balls. The only time when he doesn't is when he's lifting a couch and then the customer's racist 4 year old kid walks up and punches his nuts in with a toy truck in his hand without the slightest hint of guilt or regret in his eyes, in fact, he almost looked proud of what he did. Oh god, poor little Kevin. Still didn't drop it though, so I got that going for me, which is nice.

Got paired up with Pete again, sounds like I'm complaining but I'm not, I swear :L he doesn't say shit so I get to listen to my iPod all day and shit is so sweet, especially when you get to put your feet up on the dash and pull the seat all the way back. I remember fucking up a lot today. I would not read the paperwork properly and drop off part of the delivery, then I would find out drops later then get Pete to take us back to finish what he left on, felt like a total failure but I'm glad to know that that was the extent of my mess-ups. Pete on the other hand, didn't seem to happy. It was one of those work days that left everyone fucked up. I stayed back to help warehouse the stock away with my gift of being neutral with heights while everyone else did their own thing.

Bumped into Thy and Vi whilst doing chest and tris with Dante, didn't speak to them but saw them nonetheless, don't know why I would put this here but it's always nice to see a familiar face now and then, I think I would like to be reminded of those moments, even if there was no communication involved. Today was a good day. Now my legs, chest and tris are all kinds of fucked up, good day indeed.

We Are The People - Empire Of The Sun

We Are The People (FlicFlak Remix) - Empire Of The Sun

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