Wednesday 2 April 2014

Dust clears.

"So you're the 7am powerhouse?"
- the dude who brought the cardo to the warehouse.

It's been busy lately, it's probably because the boss is on holiday that makes it feel that way. Everything is so unorganized, everyone is running around like beheaded chickens, doing things they're not meant to do and making it harder on everyone else but they don't tell it to each other's face. I hope it's because they want to maintain balance on the work site and not because they're two-faced but let's be honest; that's probably the case.

Rocked up a little earlier than usual to unload a cargo packed with lounges and the sort, I've seen it done a few times before so they asked me to do it by myself since they were a little low on hands, needless to say, I fucking smashed that shit and left to do the deliveries faster than any one could say "Bosch's your uncle." I got paired up with Bosch and bought him and myself energy drinks. I didn't know it at the time but when Bosch gets some caffeine in him, he doesn't shut up. We must've talked about everything under the sun, relationships, family, old friends, movies, doof doof, food among other things and it was awesome, definitely spiking his drink the next time he's in the truck. 

I bought a shirt a month ago online and I got really excited to wear it (as any one would, I imagine) only when I put it on, it didn't fit, it was an entire size too small and that's when I remembered why I bought it in the first place. If I want to rock this maroon henley, I have to lose an entire size, and that's like 15kgs and I knew that when I bought it, so what past Kevin did, was that he bought that shirt in hopes that future Kevin will get his ass up and work for what he wants and I must say; past Kevin did a wonderful job because present Kevin got up and ran. I really hope that by the end of May, he will look as good as pizza tastes.

Got home and watched "Hannibal Rising" with Dante and Izzy, the fourth movie in the series which ironically took place before the first and then we went to get more food that was designed to kill you and then I went to sleep, nothing ever happens at home, it's a sad but yet, a blessing.

Dust Clears - Clean Bandit

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