Saturday 5 April 2014


"Let's go, Kevin, we got shit to do."
- Stevie Reynolds.

Pretty cruisy day as far as I was concerned. 6am starts never felt so enjoyable before this job, I think it mainly has to do with the people. I don't work to make friends, I work to work and the people here can respect that, they might not agree but they respect it, whether I like it or not, we're "one big, happy family" as the boss would like to put it and because he's the boss, this notion he's conjured up for us is now our reality, it will have to be as long as we want a job :L I guess it's not all that bad, my little "group" of friends is slowly breaking apart, it's like a bad movie plot line that you could see coming from miles away if you just looked at it from a different angle and if it's not breaking apart, it is for me.

Dante took Betty from me the moment I got home so he could attend a wedding of some sort, that nigga drained Betty of all his fuel (still can't get over that my car is a dude) so even if I do get it back by tonight, the farthest I could go is like, down to the driving range to smack a few balls, you know, thinking about it now, that isn't such a bad idea, goddamn you, hindsight. I spent my afternoon catching up on my sleep. This spontaneous job is fun and all but knowing you might be called in to do a 8 to 10 hour shift at any moment is a little unhinging so sleeping IS LIKE DA BESSSSSSSS, SO UNDERRATED, I WAS A COMPLETE GOAT-FUCKER TO HAVE DISLIKED SLEEP WHEN I WAS YOUNGER. OH GOD, FUCK YOU, HINDSIGHT.

Tomorrow is Hoc's thingy so that should be fun-ish. Not gonna lie though, there's something not right about that group now, wish I could pin-point why I feel so uneasy about those guys, guess I'll find out tomorrow.

Imaginationland - Rabbit Killer

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