Tuesday 8 April 2014

Tonight will never die.

"Ah, yes. When you get a little older, Kevin, you start to notice how stupid people are."
- Dante Le

Apparently, I'm just going through some sort of phase but if that is a the case, then I'm in for one hell of a phase, I think Dante is still in his and I just started mine so if I take him as a reference, then I won't be done for another decade or so since he doesn't look like he'll become a social butterfly anytime soon :L

Got paired up with big Brad again today, poor bloke :L don't think he had a choice in the matter because if he did, I wouldn't be with him :L but I think I did pretty well, nothing he can complain about anyway. Nothing quite like a cruise to, about and back from the gold coast first thing in the morning, aside from all the lounges, it was a very straight-forward day. "Do this." "do that." "don't embarrass me." "open your eyes! oh they are open HAHAHAHA" yeah, there was a lot of that. He's one of those guys who make really lame jokes and think they're the funniest things in the entire fucking planet, not so lame to the point where they're funny but just below that level of lameness, the worst kind of lame but I must admit, for the first 20 or so times, the eye joke was pretty funny :L

Long drives are tiring, I swear staying conscious in the truck is much harder then actually doing the work but man, the view is so damn satisfying, you start to notice things you would never notice before, like today, I started to think about who made the roads and spent my entire day just appreciating the effort to take to make the roads we drive on. Can you imagine how tedious it would've been to wake up and make roads all day? They go on for-fucking-ever, too. I totally forgot where I was going with this post.

Tonight Will Never Die - Brennan Heart & Code Black

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