Thursday 10 April 2014

How you love me.

"These guys love you, Kev. They wouldn't give you this much shit if they didn't"
- Tony. It's strange how that's how these kind of relationships work and yet it's almost like a universal truth.

I got paired off with Beau, who has been the main character of my posts a few times before. Since I've only been with the company for a month or two, I feel like these people are my seniors but I always forget that Beau and Troy are my age which them leads me to remember that I'm turning 20 this year and so are they. Shit is insane, I still feel like a high schooler and at times, so does everyone else, well, we act like we are anyway, which is no safe environment for anyone, can you imagine a bunch of kids in forklifts and trucks flinging shit everywhere?

I feel like work is kinda like a visual novel or a dating sim based on luck. I'm always in a truck with one other person for hours on end and I can choose to either get to know them better or leave it how it is and sometimes, an important event will happen and I'd trigger a flag which will make me advance through the game whether I want to or not which sucks but no one's got a choice and today, I triggered one hell of a flag. Today, Beau told me he hated nutella and kinda broke my heart, didn't know there was someone like that here, didn't talk to that dude for like, the rest of the day. So yeah, my day consisted of trying not to stab Beau with a cardboard box left over from some fridge we delivered whilst coming up with alibis and cover-ups for when the police find parts of his body scattered everywhere and that went pretty well, Beau is still alive (to my knowledge) and I still have a clear conscious with no blood on my hands so taking that into account, today was a pretty good day.

Got home to a bottle of tequila staring me in face. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" I would ask but seeing as though I'm talking to a bottle, I didn't get a response, I don't recall buying a bottle of tequila and I'm pretty sure I would remember if I did. Turns out, Dante had plans to get drunk as balls while gambling our spare coins away, man, I'm feeling older and older by the day. Not like a 20 year old old but more like a 60 year old spending his spare time sleeping, gambling and drinking but as long as it's with family, I guess I don't have anything to complain about.

How You Love Me - 3LAU & Bright Lights

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