Saturday 19 April 2014

The parting glass.

"This guy picks one quote on the day that stands out to him and posts it on his blog everyday!"
- Tai Pham, that knob.

It became apparent to me that no matter how good a person seems, no matter how logical you think he thinks and no matter how well you know him; a man will always fall to the temptation of ill will. Let this be a warning to the faithful.

I worked with Jeff today, the first time in my short time working here. We laughed at our mistakes and carried on whilst talking about games, anime, visual novels and the comparison with the three. He doesn't seem like a dude who would be interested in those sorts of things, what, with his long ass dreadlocks, headband and piercings but I suppose everything comes in all shapes and sizes. I'm glad I ended up with him today, I know if I ended up with anyone else, those mistakes we did would just ruin their days and then I'd be around someone who can't take a joke and that's something I'd rather avoid if given the chance.

It being a Saturday meant 6am starts but that also means 12-2pm finishes but when I got home, I didn't like what I got home to. There are so many things I want to say but can't because of the circumstances I had to face but I knew it was something I did not want to be apart of. It's strange how these things can happen even at the places you feel most comfortable. There was something bad happening at home, I don't know what but I'll be damned if I was going to stick around and find out. It didn't seem like it but to me, it felt like I got kicked out, my morals and relationships were clashing with one another so I ran, man. I got out of the house so fast. It was pure coincidence that Randy's birthday party was happening on the same night, an event I wasn't going to go to in the first place. I didn't have a good reason to stay there but I had a good reason to leave here and so I found myself at Tony Huynh's house, waiting for others to catch a cab to the city.

I found out a lot of things today, some things were cemented while other things we left unattended. Having a blog doesn't serve much of a purpose when there are things I must keep to myself so I'll make vague notes like a 12 year old school girl in hopes that the future me will look back and recollect this terrible, terrible feeling that doesn't want to go away.

You were like the greatest being I ever knew
But now you've shown me what I didn't
The things you've done, known only by a few
The way I see you now is different.

I went out bringing a memento I held dear
I saw what I ignored and it punctured deep
My heart raced but it wasn't fear
Rather, it was an odd mixture of relief
I had a small moment to myself
As I recollect the days I treasured so
I put the memento back into my pocket
Discovering shit like this comes and goes

So now that I've tasted a small schmekle of reality
There should be even less things that can bother me
But I know when I look back at this poem I wrote on a whim
I will remember that it was for the best, for me and for them. 

I think I've found my motivation today. I want to go back to work. Home isn't as comfy as it was before today.

The Parting Glass (COVER) - Ed Sheeran

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