Monday 28 April 2014


"Oop, need to take out the dicks in my van."
- Dante Le

No idea what I did today. There were things I did but nothing I would want to remember but fuck it, I'll write them down anyway.

Dante is a lot smarter than I give him credit for, just when you think he's a complete moron, he drops some deep knowledge or something ingenious and the moment you think he's a smart, complicated individual, he goes and does or says something that would convince you he's got a severe case of down syndrome. It's a mixed bag with him, or anyone in our family, really. I vaguely remember giving Dante the "ok" to take Betty to work, why would he need Betty ? fucks me but I ain't gonna find out simply because if it's a stupid answer, we're gonna have some kind of argument which is the language of the most stupid people on Earth and even though we credit ourselves of being stupid, there're even lines that we don't cross and rise above.

Hieu hit me up asking if I was down for ramen and like any other being with at least half a brain, I said yes. I probably waited 3 hours for that nigga to get ready only to later be told that he wasn't gonna go anymore which left me in a confused, hungry but not surprised state. I wonder why this always happens when I choose to go out, you'd think all those times you didn't go out would accumulate some sort of luck stat which would make the one time you do go out to be awesome but nooooo, niggas gon' nig. But then again, if it did work that way then life would be too easy.

Andy came by and bummed at my place for the first time in months, he missed this place as much as we missed him :L That bastard is all grown up now and it's so surreal to be seeing this up close and personal. I mean, not long ago, I'm talking like, a week ago; that dude went out with his friends to the city, with chicks that are older than him. What the fuck happened? How did he do that? I want to know these things but I would rather eat my foreskin than ask him for relationship advice, that's just too unbecoming of any older sibling but I have the odd feeling that it's going to have to come to that one day and that will be the day I throw all pride out the window. He did his homework in my room and showed me his diary which actually has stuff written in it! I must've wrote in my diary like a total of 3 times in my 5 years attending there. Holy shit, this kid is going places, probably not uni, but places.

Dante came home to notify me that the rapevan is finally leaving, it was a very emotional 3 or so minutes. I had a little flashback montage in my head about all the times I napped on it's roof while trying to look into Tai's old house with a pair of old binoculars an old mate gave me when I was in primary school. If there's anything I've learnt; it's that when old and good things go, it's so that new and better things can take it's place.

Talked to Vi, Thy and Kay on different occasions whilst doing chest and tris. Kay is still the same, man. No matter how much I change, she still gives me shit and that was one of the biggest things I missed in high school. We talked so much shit that it's become a language of it's own at this point. High school, people we've seen, relationships, marriage among other things, she even told me I have a secret admirer who would often ask Kay who I was or where I am when given the chance, I just pray that this person is a chick and not Dante because I can totally see him doing that.

Attempted to watch "1 Litre Of Tears" but had to stop because we were laughing too much because we're immature, unempathetic assholes that like to crack the occasional retard joke and that movie is just full of herps and derps. Played more "don't touch the white tile" and then here I am.

Waves - AxMod

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