Sunday 27 April 2014

No angels.

"Oh, you guys brothers?"
- Vee and Leon.

Oh, how I miss waking up at like 12pm. I'm kinda glad I did, I can't imagine what there is to do if I woke up any earlier, I'd probably go find someone to do something with but who can run the chance of taking someone else out of their day to fulfill your selfish desires, they'd totally be all like "uh, okay" because they're considerate like that but then again, there's very little point in asking if you're expecting to be rejected.

Bumped into Hieu the Seed while on my journey for food in the lands of Inala, turns out; he was there for the exact same reason. It's good to know that I'm not the only one who goes to a random place just to look for something to eat. There've been so many new places that opened up there but I always end up at Subway for some strange reason. Hieu joined me and we talked, caught up and of course, made plans, whatever keeps him happy I suppose. It's been awhile since I last held a conversation with him, it's not that doing that is difficult or anything, it's just that we rarely have a conversation when we're at the same place with other people since there's so much other shit to do. He said something about Ramen and then fucked off somewhere. Bumped into KT shortly after, he looked like he was in a hurry, running errands for his mumsies so I could understand but something seems a little off. KT and I were never close but it looked like he was avoiding something, avoiding me perhaps but maybe it's just my imagination, maybe he was genuinely busy and was in the rush to get home or maybe it's maybelline.

Didn't feel like going home so I bummed at mumsies work place and met up with my Aunty, whom I have not seen in ages. She would always keep me up to date with the happenings of my little, distant family. She'd also provide a lot of life and financial advice, shit to do with taxes, interests and what have you. It must've been only an hour but we covered the last 6 months in a conversation or two in record time. I've come to savor family moments a lot more than I used to, something clicked not long ago, like an epiphany concerning my priorities and I'm glad that happened, sometimes, you got to give things up to let the things you have now settle.

Leg day, a very short leg day but a leg day nonetheless, going with Dante is proving to be counter-productive since there's only so much I can do in the short time we stay. When he goes home, I go home and that's not something I'm used to just yet. So, I did squats for 50 or so minutes, pretty decent sets of 60, 100, 140 and 160 if I do say so myself. Man, there aren't enough hours in the day.

No Angels (BASTILLE & Ella Cover) - TLC & The XX

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