Wednesday 9 April 2014


"So what are your plans today?"
- Dante Le.

Was told to have the day off, something about me racking up too many hours and they want to avoid "burning me out" or something, I don't know, I wasn't listening but what I do know is that I'm not going to spend a majority of my day doing things so today's mission is doing the opposite of things, which is nothing.

Dante also had today off. It's rare for us to have the same day off and so we celebrated this minor occasion by stealing Andy and bumming at Nando's and even though it was like, $60 for the three of us, there's nothing wrong with spoiling yourself once in a while. People might treat themselves to a massage, clothing, shoes and drugs but my idea of a perfect day off is sleep, food and music and my god was today a perfect day, the only thing that could've made it better was some company I haven't had for awhile but there's plenty of time for that sort of thing later, right now, me and my family take priority over all else and I think everyone feels the same.

Started gambling at Mumsies' house at night, don't know how it came to this but it has and as of right now, no on is complaining :L If you happen to end up playing any card games with older asian dudes, you're gonna have a bad time, they are so good at pretending to be bad that it's almost scary. The risks they take are crazy (borderline retarded behavior if you ask me) but it always seems to go in their favor so now, losing $10-$15 a night almost seems like a tradition at this point. I know this will keep going since no asian is willing to let go of a chance that might win them a little extra cash.

Someone - Atmozfears & Energyzed

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