Wednesday 16 April 2014

Earth meets water.

"Make way, motherfuckers; Kevin "The Champion of Vietnam" is here."
- Kevin Le, storming into the warehouse at 6am

Working with incompetent people must suck, it's probably why there's so much hesitation when it comes to hiring new people. I can see why there aren't many worker anymore since there's such a massive lack in common sense. It hurts me to know that I'm the only one who hasn't posed a major problem with everyone else and that I'm the most reliable of the newbies that have come in as of late, it hurts me because it just goes to show how many dicks there are in the world. Such an unnecessary piece of knowledge, if it didn't earn my family income, I would never leave the house.

Got paired up with old mate Big Brad today, he picked me because the new fella he worked with the day before pushed a couch over the railing and Big Brad caught it at the cost of his back which left me to do everything but driving, which I'm totally cool with. Going to the coast always excites me, there's nothing quite like getting to legally go into other people's houses just to see what it's like. I get ideas for my own personal future home and inspiration whilst figuring out how to get what where. The fact that it's at the coast means that there's almost a 0% chance that I'll encounter any feral homes which appear quite frequently had I been picked to go on any other run, the shit you see, man, you have no idea.

I did well, at least, I think I did well, people like to say this when they really mean that, and I'm not sure if what I hear is what they're thinking or discussing, it worries me but at the same time, I shouldn't really care, I'm only there to do what I can and if what I'm doing isn't good enough, they'll have to tell me sooner or later. I just wish that it'll warm up to the truth instead of letting the truth come crashing down, you know, like with most things.

Got home, went out for din din with the fam bam and ate two dishes because it was the first thing I ate all day, let it settle down a little then headed for the gym where all I did was run. I don't think I've felt tired like this before, or in the least; a very long time. I need to find another motive, something I just think about that will make me restless and I have a feeling that that feeling will not be too far away.

Earth Meets Water (Dash Berlin Remix) - Rigby

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