Friday 25 April 2014

Birds on the wires.

"What the fuck have I done to deserve your respect?"
- Kevin Le.

Ugh, not feeling too good. Today was a public holiday and so there wasn't much going on other than the usual. Went out to watch Dante eat Pho whilst I play "Don't tap the white tiles" on his phone. I swear, I don't think I've been this addicted to a game since Stepmania, the reason being is because it pretty much is Stepmania only it's in your pocket and it makes piano sounds when you don't tap on the white tiles. Bumped into Khoa and Randy and had a brief chat, I still need to get Randy's present and I still owe Khoa for Hannah's birthday that happened awhile back, even though it wasn't my fault, no one should fork out hundreds of extra dollars just because some knobsuckers decide not to pay of their food. I'm getting really off-track here.

Bummed at Tai's for a bit and then we headed to the gym, and what a shit session it was. It's been a long time since my entire body was sore so mustering up the energy to so simple exercises was a bit of a mission. We did shoulders and decided to leave it at that. Normally, there'd be another hour and a half of traps and cardio but Tai had to go somewhere and I wasn't feeling too hot, that said though, it was good while it lasted. I'm glad that I did something rather than sit at home a laze about and even more so to do it with someone I haven't been talking to as of late, there's just too much shit to get out of the way first but it feels good to know that there're people who would take the time out of their own schedule to do something of common interest for an hour or two. Got filled in on the happenings of 2dn and everything has pretty much went to shit the last time I saw them as a group and to be honest, I can't say I didn't see it coming, it's a shame things turned out the way they did but at the same time, it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, time does that after high school, interests wane and circles form n' shit.

Getting to 65 might've been too ambitious on my part but we'll see how we go, I still think it's possible.

Birds On The Wires - Jarbas Agnelli

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