Monday 21 April 2014

Chasing cars.

"nah, mate. I got an early start tomorrow."
- Kevin Le, found myself saying that a lot these days.

I usually have Mondays off anyway, the fact that it's a public holiday just means that I lose a day off, which sucks but at the same time, it's pre' dope. I woke up early out of habit and just waited for something to do, after awhile, I knew the boss wasn't going to call me in like he did the last time so I kinda just lazed about.

The lack of activity today was outstanding. All I did was bum about, went here and there in hopes to fill my day and stomach as I wondered what I should do next. The day goes by so fast when I'm not thinking about it, before I know what's happening, it's 11pm and I start getting ready for the day ahead, it's a little depressing now that I think about it but at least this doesn't happen til I fall asleep. I never used to worry about when I fell asleep, there was always something to watch, do or someone to talk to. I remember looking forward to late night conversations with people, there was always something to talk about. I think that was when I was most social, in the hours where no one was awake but me and the odd dozen or so people who couldn't sleep.

Despite nothing happening, that didn't stop me from trying to make something happen but even then, the best I got were weird stares from people wondering why there was an asian dude dancing in front of a kabab stand while giving prolonged eye-contact to those who bothered to observe this aberrant behavior. Went gym to work towards looking good naked and then went home, where I did home-stuff.

Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol

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