Tuesday 29 April 2014

Nobody knows it but me.

"I swear, I'm the only bro you talk to."
- Kay.

Pete picked me up for work and off we went. It feels strange not to pop into the warehouse or office without the usual greeting of everyone there. I didn't even get a briefing of what I had to do, they just basically threw a pile of paper into my lap and fucked off. I guess I should know what to do by now, and I do but the morning greetings were one of the best parts about work, hope this is a one time thing, would hate to create distance between my co-workers. I didn't fuck up all day today! it was a perfect run as far as I was concerned but I'm sure Pete would think differently, he always manages to find something that ticks him off but at least he doesn't take it out on me, actually, he probably does, I just listen to my iPod all day though :L

Got home and headed to that place where people pick things up and put them back down a lot. Did back and bis whilst holding a conversation with Kay and as usual, we just spent our small time together giving each other shit til one of us got fed up and went home, in today's case, it was her.

I like this little small routine I've unintentionally followed for the last few months or so. It's just work, gym, home for a bit, mumsies' place and then home again, sleep, repeat. I would even go as far as to say that I look forward to it, not just one thing in particular, too, like, the entire day is enjoyable but at the same time, I feel guilty. I have it easy, really easy, I always have, whenever I'm in trouble, luck kicks in and everything gets better in a hurry. Something bad is going to happen one day, something really bad, this stroke of luck has been around me for as long as I remember but knowing this, might make me better prepared for whatever misfortunes decide to knock on my door.

Nobody Knows It But Me - Babyface

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