Sunday 1 September 2013


"Look at my ass."
- Elita Huynh. She might've said that, I'm not too sure, I was too busy staring at her ass, to be fair, she pulled out her phone to show me pictures and asked me to give her feedback but I don't know anything about modelling other than dat ass. She has a bangin' ass, just thought I'd put that here.
hehehe, "ass"

There's a lot of drama out there, aye ? I step outside to spend the day with a person I had not seen or heard of for almost a year and I'm suddenly presented with information I could do without. I am reminded why I don't leave the house whenever an opportunity arises but I'm kinda glad that there're people who would willingly spend their time with me, especially people as busy as Elita, I kinda felt bad that I was taking up her time but she assured me it was the opposite. We talked over lunch about who we've been seeing on a regular basis and what we've been up to but the fact that I've only exchanged about 4 words with her over high school made it difficult to find a topic we could actively engage in and because of our lack of communication back then, the only alternative topic would be about people, people we both know which is a topic I try to avoid but it seemed like there was something she wanted to get off her chest. I couldn't believe my ears about some of the things she said, it just didn't seem likely that any of it is true but the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. I guess this sort of thing comes naturally for some people.

We ate at Inala then walked to Forest Lake (don't ask me why, man, I don't even know) then we walked around the lake (again, I don't know, it was good cardio though) I met that guy whose face is posted everywhere, goes by the name of "Andrew Nguyen" you might notice (if you seen his picture) that one of his eyes look funny, that is not a camera fault, one of his eyes are fucked up and it took a lot of will power to hold back my laughter, was not expecting that at all. Elita seems to know the guy personally, I swear that chick knows everyone. We went shopping for supplies we needed where we bumped into Vi Vo who works at Woolworths then bumped into Mylinh who works at a nearby bakery. Is it me, or do girls spend more time complimenting each other when they meet than actually "catch up" ? There's a lot to the world I don't know, most of it I don't want to. We walked back to Inala and I drove her to Mylinh's house since she locked herself out from what I could gather. Oh yeah, she told me she was involved in a body oil fight in a hotel room full of models wearing nothing but their lingerie, I thought that shit only happened in porn and movies, you could imagine my depression that something like this occurred when I was probably sitting in my room cutting my nails, reminds me of how big the world really is. Goddamnit, now I'm mad.

 I think everyone we met today had the wrong impression, guess I can't blame them, I would make that assumption as well if the shoe was on the other foot. I think it's because we were never together in high school or any other time for that matter, so I think I shouldn't be surprised with all the blank but yet surprised expressions. Today was nice though, who knew that spending the day with Elita, a girl who I barely know would be so fulfilling, it would probably be even better if I spent it with someone I'm actually familiar with.

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