Monday 30 September 2013

Do you think.

"Tell Nataliee that I love her very much."
Me, to pretty much every worker besides Nataliee at Zaraffa's. My little way of responding to her I suppose, I'm not actually sure myself but it seemed like a funny thing to do at the time.

I didn't have my coffee this morning, rather, I had it later in the afternoon but we'll get to that later. Woken up by Dante, I spend the most of my morning trying to find my face that was until Hoa came over, I don't know why but when company comes over, I feel energized, like I'm waiting for something, maybe it's just my body not wanting people to come to a lifeless house even though it's pretty much what I'm aiming for. Hoa quickly fell asleep on my bed then Lil-Yen dropped by to give me a handmade gift she made but didn't have the chance to do so on my birthday, bless her soul.

Look at it. It suits my room so well it hurts, I had no hook on my wall so I left it on my shelf along with a bunch of other things that were given to me but this right here, gets a front row seat. I hope I can come up with a gift that's half as thoughtful as a working clock but unfortunately, nothing comes to mind. I got a week or so, I think I can make it by then, I'm gonna knock her socks off so hard, she won't be able to put them back on, I hope.

Coffee was joined by Hoc and Tai, we all had turns taking Betty around which I am grateful for, her breaks stopped screeching from all that driving and it feels as good as new... I think, I never really got to take her around when she was born. We met up at Hoc's house after buying everyday items at Bunnings and started to clean our cars, as far as I was concerned, the end result was pretty bad but at that point, anything would've made our cars look better than they were when the day started. 

I enjoyed today. I think I enjoy anything that's spontaneous, I feel like there will be no disappointment and I can go without worrying about anything and to be honest, I don't think there's a better feeling in the world. 

Sunday 29 September 2013


"Yeah, you. You sing first."
- Sang Nguyen to me.

I know I said something about not mentioning coffee every post because you can safely assume that I drink it every morning but if I don't mention it, then these posts won't be as long and that isn't something I particularly like. So yeah, drank some of dat coffee this morning and it was fucking awesome.

There was meant to be a triple house warming house party at Tai's in honor of Leon, Hoc and Tai, truth be told, I wasn't looking forward to the cons of that event but as it turns out, this was rescheduled because another event was announced before Tai's. A lot of people seem to think I'm the mastermind of that party and getting bombarded online and in person with inquiries got so repetitive that I just reply with my list of fetishes. If you ever want someone to shut up, I suggest you give them a list of things that give you a boner, it works well, especially with girls but do not try this with me because it will become quite a heated discussion ifyaknowwhatimean.

Went to Hannah's birthday party, although it wasn't held on her birthday due to some shit I didn't bother looking into but it was a good day, well I thought it was a good day even after I looked at the bill, mind you, it was quite the fucking bill. (God bless your soul, Khoa.) The place where we went was right next to the place I bought my piano, that was nice. I got to talk to faces I no longer see on a constant basis which makes me giddy, the relationship I have with Hannah isn't even close but I think that's what makes us close, this lack of information we have of each other is nice, it's like we give each other the benefit of the doubt all the time and that's kinda beautiful.

Happy 19th celebration party, moite.

I think I was actually stressing out a little because I didn't know if I even had a photo with her but I'm glad I stumbled upon this, this isn't really something I would like to forget. There must be something wrong with me, stressing of whether or not I took a photo with Hannah, I would not have even thought about something like this years ago.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Sweet like chocolate.

"I wanna see Minh fucked up."
- everyone but mostly me.

Drove around, like, a lot, well, not a lot but it's a lot to me, which actually might not be all that lot.
Spent today looking for Hoc's car keys again, his attention to detail is amazing when he's looking for something but I guess anyone's attention to detail would skyrocket after looking at the same place a dozen times, we looked through gutters, electric boxes, traffic islands, you name it and chances are, we raped it. Hoc ended up asking a near by mechanic if his keys were handed in but the dude just rung up another dude and that dude broke into Hoc's car and got him a new key in a matter of minutes, fucking asians, man.

With Hoc's access to his car, he picked me up for Moonfest and met up with Jack, Matt and Elita, I spent my money on what little food they had to offer, seeing familiar faces whilst stuffing mine, I'm fairly certain I scarred someone's daughter there. I was invited to a house party nearby where I became the designated driver. I saw and met someone I had not spoken to in years, since primary and to see him with this circle of friends reminds me how small the world really is and I would've given anything, to see him drunk off his face. Hoc asked me to take Elita, Cindy, Mylinh, Phi and himself home, which I did. It was good to catch up with those guys even though all I did was watch as they regretfully drown themselves in alcohol.

It's amazing how people have changed, I never would've thought, in a million years that things turned out the way they did. The reason I say this and why all this nonsense came out so suddenly is because I saw topless pictures of a girl I had class with that was taken quite recently, needless to say, it was hot as fuck but it's certainly not something you would expect. Maybe it's because I never took the chance to get to know them enough which I love and hate, I like the way things are now but I often wonder if it could've been better. Probably not.

Friday 27 September 2013

Brooklyn for a month.

"Long live the king."
- Kevin Le, I whispered into Andy's ear as I pushed him off my bed and onto the floor.

Had plans but I don't think they came to fruition, actually, it was more like they couldn't. I intended to go to Moonfest tonight but it so happens, I'm so out of the loop that Moonfest was never on tonight, making me feel like a total, total fucking retard, which isn't a feeling I'm foreign to. Hoc was on the same boat :L I've been hanging around with Hoc quite a bit and it's been dope I find, not too sure about him but shit, I enjoy his company. He invited me to go bowling with himself, his cousin, Cindy Nguyen and her 2 younger siblings and me and my vulnerability from the post-there's-no-fucking-Moonfest-tonight status happily accepted and I'm glad I did. Got to talk to Cindy and befriend her two siblings as well as Hoc's cousin, Katie. Oh, I'm really, really shit at bowling, I barely beat the Nguyen siblings and they're 5 and 9, even for my first time, beating them by 1 point is just horrendous.

You know, coffee is such a daily thing, (sometimes, it's even bi-daily) that I don't even feel the need to mention it on my posts anymore, so from this point on, you can safely assume that before anything of significance even happens in my day, I've already had my coffee which is usually a fusion due to this heat. I think I'm addicted, this isn't good, it's like a glass shattered in my head and now I'm just coming to terms with it, I think I need another coffee.

Thursday 26 September 2013


"Go home and be a family man"
- Hoc Vu, right after I got my ass handed to me in pool.

Can I take a moment to talk about how bloody hot it is ? The sweat from my armpits have merged with the sweat from my bum crack which then rendezvous with the sweat from my head to create this super-cluster-fuck of total wreck that is Spring. I surely cannot be the only one who is feeling this, like, if you were look up the asshole of an ox, you would not find any poo because all the bullshit is right here, in Spring. It's not even Summer and I'm complaining, the fact that my house is pretty much the only house without an air conditioner doesn't help either. Walking into my house feels like having the embodiment of Vietnam lick my face then just stand there, looking at me, following me then watching me take off my clothes in hopes to fend off any heat it's emitting to no avail. How are people still breathing ? The nights aren't so bad though, I actually pray that it comes faster, like, in the morning and I'm not even religious.

I don't remember how but I ended up at some pool place with Hoc, Tony and John at like, 9 and didn't get home til 12. It was nice, very competitive and I think people need a good dose of that every now and then. We didn't even catch up on recent events, actually, we might've but I was too busy looking at balls touch other balls and fall into holes. Tony and I lost when it counted and thus, we had to shout drinks. Word of advice, if you do anything competitive with Tony, he will do everything in his power to attempt to talk you into playing a punishment game and it usually involves the loser buying shit for the winner, do not, by any means fall for his elaborate ruse because it might seem too interesting to resist and if you team up with Tony, you will lose and you will end up buying milkshakes for people who are not you and that sucks.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Be like Bruce.

"Fucking magpies..."
- This cool fob chick who was lost after getting swooped by a flock of magpies, shit was funny as fuck

Spent my entire morning looking for Hoc's car keys, I don't know how that feels but I can imagine it and it doesn't feel good. Hoc's "never say never" attitude towards finding his car keys is impressive, I think I would've already given up a couple of days after losing it but that nigga is still going strong. We didn't find them in the end but it was quite an adventure, rustling through the grass looking for keys is a lot harder than it seems. While looking for those damn keys, I bumped into this fob chick who was lost cause she was fucking around with some magpies (why?) and I helped her out, we talked and made comparisons to Beenleigh and Inala and had a few good laughs and just before she went on her way, she gave me a hug. I don't know, made me real happy to know that there are merry people like that around here, probably made my entire day, that one hug. Fobs are cool.

I was like, chilling, right ? at home and then out of fucking nowhere at around 6pm, Denne comes over with 2 packets of Kettles chilli chips and that like, made me shed a tear. I've been getting quite emotional as of late, I don't have a vagina either last I checked but I could totally get used to this, maybe exaggerating things isn't as bad as I thought it was, brings a little life to everyday-boring stories.

Tuesday 24 September 2013


"All women are whores, all men are whores, too. Stick to books. Stick your dick in a book."
- Bustedtuna

Internet was down all day so all sorts of random shit started happening, it was like I saw the sun for the first time, shit was surreal. For example, Andy actually left the house willingly today, I didn't think it was possible, if no internet was all it took for that little bastard to get a tan then shit, I wish someone would've told me sooner. On a whim, I invited Andy for coffee at like 10am and I thought I was hearing shit when he said yes but he got up, put on his thongs and made his way to Betty, it was amazing, but wait, that's not all. The little guy went sports with me and the guys as well, he didn't do anything but goddamn, choked up, all day.

I know it might not look like much but man, I think that previous paragraph is worth like, 5 novels and 8 encyclopedias cause man, he's so chubby, he's got his own orbit and so white, he can't dance. I could write about my entire life in detail and it won't be nearly as valuable as this shit. Also, have you ever noticed that "this" is an anagram for "shit" ? cause I didn't but I do now. Learning all kindz of shit today.  

Monday 23 September 2013


"Discipline is currency for purchasing your progress."

Woke up at 6, drank some of dat coffee, got home, had a nap, Hoa and Lam dropped by, said those break pads that were ordered came in and so the majority of the day was spent into fixing Betty's broken legs. It was a very emotional moment for me. Oils and tears alike were spilled on my soil.

You know, I never realized how hard it was to be a mother, I think I still don't. Not long after Tai moved in, there was a time where his mother knocked on my door, she didn't come for a visit or anything of the sort, she just wanted to know where Tai was, at the time, he was at Uni but I took the this chance to converse a little since I don't think I was ever given the opportunity prior. She understood that I lived alone but was still worried about how her family would fare, I told her I've been living like this for years and have been fine and I realize now that that was inconsiderate of me. She told me that living alone is easier which would explain quite a lot of things, she told me if anything were to happen to me, I would only have to worry about myself whereas if you lived with your family in an unfamiliar neighborhood, it's the opposite. I don't know why but this really opened up my eyes and I made me sit down a take heap of other things in precaution. I would like to help but I don't think a family as strong as that one would need it, if anything, I'm the one that needs the help.

Sunday 22 September 2013

Can't hold us back.

"Talk to the hand because the face don't understand."
- Some dude in the gym :L

Birthday boy Binh asked me to take a drink with him last night but little did I know, that the cup had an excessive amount of alcohol, something like 4-5 standard drinks in that little cup so needless to say, I was completely shit faced by the time I got home so coffee could've been better. I can't hold my liquor, by the way. Today's morning coffee was accompanied by Hoc, Leon, Tai and Kiet. We sat there at talked for what felt like ages but in reality, about 40 minutes passed before we decided to go to the markets. I swear this is going to become a thing. We did what everyone else would do at the markets I suppose, we walked around in a familiar environment, we knew exactly what was there but went anyway, to be honest, I think only valid reason why most of us came was for the food and man did we come.

Nothing really happened today that stood out other than my personal best for decline benching today which stands at 100kg, probably won't be budging anytime soon though but it's a good thing I'm in no rush. There was no one in the gym other than Kiet, Hoc and myself so Hoc took this chance to "give us a preview" of his transformation damn that nigga has one nice body (fucking %100 homo) I can't wait to see how we all progress in a year's time.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Exploration of space.

"Don't mean to guilt trip but if you love him, you'd go."
- Hoc Vu, totally guilt tripping everyone to go coffee the morning after.

Coffee was joined by Leon, Tai, Vinh, Denne and Jack. It wasn't til after I had learned that Hoc had coerced everyone to going for my birthday even though it wasn't my birthday, ironically enough, Hoc himself, didn't make an appearance :L

I don't think much happened today. I was given shampoo as a belated birthday gift, I can sorta understand what she was getting at, I'm not sure if it was literal but nonetheless, I started scrubbing in the shower a lot more aggressively. Can someone tell me if I stink ? this shit is making self-conscious and that's not a very good feeling. I preferred it when I didn't give a fuck but man, Old Spice shampoo ? I would've understood if it was any other shampoo but Old Spice ? that shit is strong, bro. It even came with a letter.

The bottle was covered with 4 $5 notes so I'm not even sure if it's Old Spice or not, I was only told by Andy,  knowing Alana, David and Elvis though, It's probably not even shampoo, they probably put in the effort to take out all the shampoo and replace it with conditioner, which is probably the most evil thing I have thought of, ever. 19, huh ?

Friday 20 September 2013

Shooting stars.

"Doctors don't know shit."
- Dante Le

This is like, my fourth attempt at writing this post, it seems like no matter what or how I write, I don't like what I end up with and so no matter how this one turns out, I'm going to keep it.

Today was a little too perfect, almost like some sort of ruse or plot I fell into, I don't think I was alone at all today which was the complete opposite of what I was expecting but when I found out that there were some people who knew about today yesterday, I kinda saw this coming and to be honest, I felt uneasy. It felt like I forced people to come and not only that, I forced them to do nothing with me, almost like I'm wasting their time and they won't ever acknowledge this because they are too considerate, even if that weren't the case, it sure felt like it. I don't understand why people make big deals out of events like this but after today, I think I should just stop wondering and take advantage of a good time.

Hong was the first face I saw when I got back from Zaraffas, she had made me a bracelet and took me thrift shopping around 10am. She had a real right schedule but managed to free up some time to take out a dude she rarely talks to or even knows and to be honest, that shit made me tear up a little. I put a lot of sentimental value into the bracelet she made me and there're many reasons why and I can't see myself taking this thing off for good anytime soon, now that I think about it like that, it sounds a little creepy, sorry, bro :L Myvy was the second face I saw when I got back from Zaraffas after getting back from Zaraffas, she dropped by with a bacon and cheese roll and a cute little cupcake :L Then it was Tai and when they went home, Tony. Vinh, Leon, TD, Kiet rocked up and stayed til late and we did fuck all, all day. It was wonderful.

So yeah, I saw a lot of people and I'm glad I did, I'm glad about a lot of things and I'm especially glad I get to write them down somewhere I can easily access. Shit is sweet.

Happy Birthday to me.
hahah had no candle, had to improvise.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Alternate reality.

"Let me know when you're better than me."
- Hoc Vu, to which I then replied with "I'll tell you in 10 minutes."

These mornings are becoming slightly more bearable as of late, Spring probably has the best mornings of the year, not too windy and yet not too humid that is, until the late-morning/early afternoon, that shit is hot as fuck, man. I was super temped to take Tai's prelude to Zaraffa's but if I put myself in his position and some asshole was using my car without telling me, I'd be a bit ticked off so I walked/skipped/breakdanced to the plaza then did the same on the way back. Before I knew it, I had fallen back to sleep and was woken up/surprised by the lovely Myvy Ngo, I thought she was finally here to take my life after all that teasing I did in high school but as it turns out, she was just lost, I would've made fun of her but I was so out of it, I couldn't find my own elbow so I just took her to Tai's house where they proceeded to do god knows what. I walked home after giving Tai my morning greeting and went about my business, which was fuck all.

Myvy went home and Tai wanted to go to a lecture which left me, yet again, in the custody of his prelude. I figured there's no way that this would happen again, so what did I do ? I must make do with what I got, I had to maximize my resources so I asked around if anyone wanted to race for pink slips or rob some banks but unfortunately for me and fortunately for Tai, it was too hot for people to get up and rob banks with me but such is life I suppose. Guess I'll slap a pope through the driver side window or something next time.

Looks like someone caught on. I thought I was doing a good job, too. Can't let anything get pass you, can I?

Wednesday 18 September 2013

So I've met this girl.

"The man cried for he had no shoes until he met the man who cried because he had no feet."
- a lot of people, apparently.

I was told today might be the last time I'll get the chance to drive Betty around for a long time, when I say long time, I mean like, 1-2 weeks, that's quite a while for a car to not be in use though. So, I woke up and picked up Tai and Hoc as met up with Leon and Jack at Zaraffa's and did what we do.

I lent the keys to Betty to Tai so I could have a feel of what a P's driver does in comparison to me and shortly after that, he reciprocated by lending me his car keys so I could take his car to my house while he hopped on a bus to Uni and now his car is just sitting there, in front of my house. It's 12am and I don't know if I'm supposed to park it in his house or give him the keys or anything. Tai seem's like a morning person so I don't know if I should wait til the morning since he might come early and I might not be awake to give him the keys in time. I'm in a pickle, guys. I can't leave the door unlocked either, even I take precautions when residing here in Inala. Guess I'll just leave it til the morning, not much I can do anyway since I doubt that guy is even awake. It's tough being a neighbor, makes me kinda glad I didn't take the time to bond with my neighbors prior to Tai. I got a crazy, old, crazy (the second 'crazy' is intentional, it's for emphasis purposes) bitch to my left that would talk about the same shit for hours on end and as she talks to you, the wind would blow her loose, red, old, disgusting hair into your mouth but I must endure as everyone else in the neighborhood has, I just hope Tai doesn't get "blessed" with the displeasure of meeting her. I find it odd that even when we don't live that far away, I have more problems than when he lived in Goodna which is basically more than zero but I suppose it's what being a "neighbor" is and I can totally dig new shit like that.

Also ate at Chompers for the second time, Americans know how to eat, man.

Tuesday 17 September 2013


"No matter what you do, there will always be people who will "throw out the tug-o-war rope" you know, tug-o-war ? you pull on one end of the rope and the other guy pulls on the other ? anyway, people throw out the rope and the only way that they can win is if you pick up the rope and start tugging back, if you don't pick up the rope and just look the other way and be about your business, they've got no one to fucking play with, you know what I'm sayin' ? so don't even worry about it."
- Kevin "The L.A. Beast" Strahle

Woke up at 6, got my coffee on, by myself this time, which is also nice, not all of the good things lay within company. Got home, had a nap, did my thing and watched people do their's. Don't think I did much today other than sport and there's nothing interesting to write when it comes to sport. "We were like, walking then running and then we bounced then kicked some balls around" doesn't sound very appealing but that is honestly what we did.

Oh yeah, house-warming party at Tai's sometime next week, most likely the weekend. Pass it on, it's an open event so he claims :L and since I live literally 2 houses down, I'm going to get sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo drunk, no one will be able to tell it is me since I like to create new personas just to fuck with people when I'm drunk.

Monday 16 September 2013

Love's gonna getcha.

"If the dictionary had a word for me, they would need another dictionary cause it would be too fucking big."
- Dante Le

Spent the the day researching Betty only to come to the inevitable conclusion that I still don't know shit about my car. It seems the break pads are finally starting to wear out even though it's only the front wheels, just 3 hours ago, as far as I was concerned, it's a red car and it looks nice but now ? It's a red car that looks nice with a minor problem and it's starting to suck. Hoa is adept when to comes to mechanical knowledge and he gladly came over to do an inspection, he even offered to fix it if I paid for the parts which is completely reasonable, his heart is as big as his stomach and that's pretty big. I'm glad the people I know have a diverse sense of passion and interests, it sure does has it perks. Car are quite interesting, almost as fascinating as the human body, I've often heard people make that comparison but it wasn't til recently that I found the relevance.

What else happened today ? ...
Oh, I met Mr. Redman today, he was at my doorstep, said he had a delivery for Dante. I think he prefers me to call him "Matt" now, I can't even imagine the awkwardness if I were to call him "Mr. Redman" even after high school although most people still call their past teachers by their last name, old habits die hard, I suppose. In case you didn't already know, Dante and Matt were old high school friends and now Matt runs a small business that provides personal training and delivers supplements and recently, he's developed a clothing brand. Shit is cray.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Picture moment.

"You're a nice guy and you're dumb enough to think I am, too"
- James 'Logan' Howlett

Woke up, did the usual, you know, Coffee at 6-7am with Leon, Hoc, Jack and Kiet (White Chocolate Mocha, would rape buildings for that shit.) and just sat and talked about shit for hours, I'm glad a coffee place opened up nearby, I don't think I would've felt so relaxed otherwise, plus it motivates me to wake up early in the morning.

Probably ate a farm worth of meat and veggies among other things, man. Needless to say, it was a good day. Leon had an 8 hour shift at 12 so he couldn't make it, Jack stayed back to help Tai move in his new place and did and the rest of us did the same after leaving Ronnie's party. Happy Birthday, Ronnie, I think you picked a pretty good way to spend it, I'm kinda over alcohol and weed infested parties and I'm not even 20, I don't know if that's being smart or stupid anymore, I had figured I would yolo hard well into my 30's but to lose it this much at 18 is pretty amazing. I don't think I'm the only one that feels this way. 

Saw a lot of people today. A bunch of familiar faces had gathered at the birthday get-together/party/BBQ thingy. There's nothing really to say about today, everyone was how I remembered them, with the exception of some of course, which is to be expected, would be weird as fuck if absolutely nothing changed. I like the relationship I have with people, it's almost like an on and off switch when I talk to people, doesn't matter how long we've been apart, we pick up where we left off and act as if the time we didn't see each other didn't exist and that is cool. I'm not saying that people who want to catch up are people I want to avoid, it's just that I can't remember what I've been doing so really, it'd be a one sided conversation and I don't mind that either but people tend to encourage conversations where all parties are contributing but I don't think I can do something like that.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Little you & I.

"That fucking broke my fucking legs and put me in a feelchair."
- everyone, after watching that .gif

There was a Facebook status not too long ago about some sort of Richlands East State School primary reunion but everyone knows when those statuses are made and you are some what involved, you'll be bombarded with friend requests from people you've not seen in years and as much as you would want to decline that shit, you don't want to come across as a person who is basically a dick but you accept and have to put up with their shitty as posts with their shitty as problems and their friends, who have shitty as input in every shitty as situation they come across. Also, all of them can't spell even if their lives depended on it which is a stupid thing to get worked up about but goddamn, at least put some effort in communicating with your friends.

English has changed a lot. As much as I want to correct people in hopes that those corrections will stick all in the sake of helping them in the near future, I can't be assed to anymore. It will only lead to arguments and talking/typing for a heated discussion doesn't sound too fun to me as I imagine it would be for anyone who owns a blog. Looking back now, I should've just declined that shit. Fuck it, I'll delete them now. So many simple solutions for simple problems but I think the reason why these problems still linger around is that people are afraid, which is good. Fear shows us our weaknesses.

P.S I'm not saying I'm English Super Jesus but man, have you seen the way some of these scrubs type ?

Friday 13 September 2013

We ain't them.

"I'll be back."
- Teddy Tolentino, currently in America getting into all kinds of crazy adventures.

Been talking to one of Tim's students and she calls herself "Shawn" yeah, I don't know either. I've talked to Tim's students before but never one on one and I'm starting to worry, I don't know why but there's something about talking to someone online and never actually meeting them that makes me anxious and the fucked up thing is, I don't know what over. She's been sending pictures of herself and been asking me to send pictures of myself and me, being the unphotogenic person that I am, sent her a picture of me making a really fucked up face, which is pretty much any picture of me. I kinda hope it scared her off, having a dude on the other side of the Earth to be sending such a picture must've come across as a surprise to her, I probably single-handedly worsened the image Chinese people have of Australians and I don't regret it at all. For the record though, this is what she looks like.

She's a looker, ain't she ? poor bloke though. Out of everyone, EVERYONE in the world, she's stuck with me because of Tim, I really hope I don't say something the wreck her sense of self cause I tend to do that to everyone I talk to. hahahah "Shawn" what a strange name for a woman.

Thursday 12 September 2013


- Dante Le. This dude screamed this in the car on our way home, like, with no warning whatsoever.

I remember when we were all told that MSN was going to be shut down, an instant messenger program our generation relied on on the verge of extinction, it wasn't long after that we had to come up with an alternative method to keep in touch on a regular basis. The moment MSN shut down, we had turned to a messaging program called IMQQ, it was basically MSN for Chinese people and it was because of this program that I had the pleasure of talking a Chinese man who teaches English in mainland China. I never actually caught his name so for the sake of this blog, let's call him "Tim". People in China tend to give anyone a chance online, well, this particular bloke did and if it wasn't for his open heart and straightforwardness, I don't think I would have ever ended up with a pen-pal :L 

Tim would talk to me whenever he needed some English exercises for his students and even offered to let me stay at his home whenever I'm in the neighborhood, he introduced me to his wife and she even showed me pictures of her naked body saying she was quite proud of it, I honestly did not have a comment when that happened. Tim is a straightforward dude who would ask whatever came to his mind, he would ask about my love life among other things and really make me think about things I would not of otherwise thought of. He introduced me to some of his students in hopes that I can somehow improve their English skills so talking to some of them has been quite the interesting experience, they're not worried about social status or age and treat you as if you were one of their own, talking to a bunch of 21-35 year old people in such a manner has been refreshing to say the least. His foreign sense of humor would come up with exactly what you think it would come up with, he'd call me "Kefin" or "Kevin Rudd" and it would be so lame, it'd make me laugh. I decided to write about him today because he would usually bring up the subject of "love" because he himself, never experienced parental love, which would explain why he's such a horn dog, he'd say things like "you're a gentleman" and "you're polite" and I've never been able to take those words to heart from anyone else but to read those words coming from someone on the other side of the planet really struck a chord. Strange how to can take the words of a complete stranger yet hesitate to embrace the words of family and friends. I told him everything he wanted to know, how big my family is, what my childhood was like, how's high school here, my hobbies, my preferences when it comes to girls and even what my ideal life would be. I guess our curiosity can't compare to their's and it's very understandable why. We've had discussions about whether or not it's mandatory for people to learn how to deal with the opposite sex at an early age, why I think he relies on love to keep going and how his lack of parental love causes him to seek it in the form of another woman and how my experience with parental love has made me unreliant and causes me to stray away from things of that nature, we're not saying it's true but it does make sense. 

There really wasn't a point in this post, I just wanted to show off how cool Tim is. Also, I don't think I would want to forget something as important as this when I get dementia or something equally serious.

Wednesday 11 September 2013


"Did you guys realize that many letters make a word and many words make a letter?"
- Leon Le, on that TIL swag

I probably spent the whole day with Hoa, like, the WHOLE day. Hoa often comes over to take naps with me, it's become a thing but I can barely notice his presence so we're basically two peas in a pod.

I love Hoa, he lays on the bed and I lay on the couch and we can do absolutely shit all for hours on end, exchange very little words and out of no where he'd be all like "dude, I'm hungry." and I'd be all like "Oh yeah ? what do you feel like eating ?" and he'd reply with "hmmm, roast chicken. You ?" and I'd reply with "Ice cream" and just like that, we go to the nearest woolies and come back with ice cream and roast chicken. We'd eat our fill and go back to whatever it was we were doing, which was nothing and I love it. He's quite different from the others now that I think about it but it might just be me.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Under the weather.

"We live so we can enjoy life, okay?"
- Andy Le, screaming at his computer.

Over the last few days, I've heard rumors about some of my old high school mates. I don't really like to post personal information about anyone really unless I have permission but very few people know I have a blog and even I sometimes forget this thing exists. As I have this for future reference, I would like to think an older version of me would like to be reminded that I once knew these things, well, since they are rumors, there's no way of knowing if what I'm going to write is the truth and I might cop some drama if this falls into the wrong hands but shit, for me, it's worth the risk. It's not like it's bad information or anything, as far as I'm concerned which in hindsight, isn't very far.

I used to have a friend I'd frequently be with by the name of Tiffany Dinh. During high school, this particular chick had a certain appeal about her, it shouldn't have to be said that I was one of the dudes that fell for her elaborate charm and had what you might call a crush but it has and of course it was short lived and we manged to stay on great terms even after everything was cleared up. I don't know why I'm sharing this, I guess I just figured it was high time I actually wrote something of significance on this thing for once, you can hardly call this a "personal" blog unless I actually have something personal on here, I can write anything about myself but the moment it involves someone else, it just becomes "personal". This chick went M.I.A after high school and has recently been seen around cuddling and smooching with a bloke, I don't believe things until I see and hear them but every so often, people can just do things that warp your sense and handle of the world. I recall her strongly objecting public displays of affection, I also recall her defining our friendship as "close" but I honestly don't see it, I think some people are just being too nice out of consideration and as a side-effect-thingy, they often throw words around too easily. There's quite a lot I can say about Tiffany but I guess that comes naturally the more you know a person, you tend to forget the good things the moment the ungood things happen and it wasn't til recently that I realized that the ungood things can't even compare to the amount of positive things that came about the relationship and I'm glad I did but I'm certain this won't be the last time I mention her name.

Tiffany dated old mate Damon Strang for a good chunk of grade 12. This dude was probably closest to "Mr. Perfect" I've ever encountered. I never knew him on a personal level so I can only say that he is what you see. I had heard that Damon had done something amazing a few years after graduation but at the same time, it's exactly what you think he would do if given half the chance. This was only a rumor but not long after graduation, he had thrown away his mobile phone, deleted his Facebook and every other means of social media/online connectivity and bought a one-way ticket to Canada. Apparently the reason why he was so quiet was so he could focus on work so he could save up enough money to do such a drastic thing. I don't think "drastic" was the right word but I know he would've had some really good or absolutely no reason at all to restart his life like that, it's a mixed bag with that guy.

I don't know if I've done the right thing with the whole "post rumors and relationship status about people you haven't met in years" or not but if I do get into shit, I like to imagine I will be able to take responsibility for whatever happens but there's no way I can understand anyone else's circumstances let alone these 2.

Monday 9 September 2013

Acura Integurl

"I'll see you in the Shadow Realm"
- Korneelioouls Izsak (the "l" is silent, it's his culture apparently) - when asked for a quote

Korneelioouls Izsak isn't really a person I know nor is it even a real person, it's just the pseudonym this dude that has a height that rivals Zues wished to take. Just thought I'd clear that up unless you were all like "damn, Kevin knows some weird people" which is totally understandable as I do like to stick around to those I find a little odd since there's rarely a dull moment when surrounded by such company and now I'm getting off track, sorry.

I walked Jack's Siberian Husky (yeah, he has one, who'd of thought ?) to Hoc's house then Hoc and his youngest brother accompanied us to a nearby park where we stood an awe of this being's majestisism. According to the interwebz, "Majestisism" isn't even a word but since this is my domain, it is now a word, I have the power, also, while I'm here, let me put down a few rules I wrote for everyone in the world in year 9 SOSE class, ahem.

Rule 1: Kevin Le is always right
Rule 2: IF Kevin Le is ever wrong, please refer to rule number 1
Rule 3: Leon Le, Cameron Martin, Joe Hughes and those asian girls at the table beside us, must                               always obey Kevin Le
Rule 4: Kevin Le is always right

Oh shit, I got off-track again.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Miss you so.

"I think I prefer it up the ass."
- Hoc Vu, during a heated discussion about prostate examinations

Morning coffee was accompanied by Tai, I never usually see that bloke twice in a row and it was a pleasant morning having a fresh face sipping on a beverage contemplating how to spend the morning/afternoon. Coffee ended earlier than usual since we decided to go to the markets again, which is a good thing, it's not ideal to sit down at a place for an hour or two after you finish your coffee, this freedom is something I could get used to. Always stumble on something new every time I visit the markets, that slight surge of excitement is something worth seeking and the markets is one of the ideal places to find it. As usual, I didn't buy anything, I don't know why I keep coming back to that place, it's probably the company I suppose. Tai drove me home and then I masturbated ferociously for hours, such is life as a NEET, won't be for much longer though.

Totally forgot I went to the Taiwanese festival yesterday, complete brain fart. Yesterday was quite eventful now that I think about it, Went to Tai's Goodna house probably for the last time. Seeing that house stripped of everything of value felt depressing, reality hit hard when I got home. The memories of that place is still there but to know that it's not what it used to be anymore isn't that great, I don't think it was meant to be but shit, bro. While moving pieces of furniture, Hoc brought up the Taiwanese festival that was happening at Calamvale, said he was asked by Kiet who just wanted to see the fireworks, I like that, having a sudden urge to go see something then doing anything in your power to make it come true, truly admirable in my eyes. Tai was keen but in the end, he didn't come and I think I can understand why but I could be wrong :L Kiet and Hoc picked me up for a longer than expected drive to Calamvale where we leisurely embraced the Taiwanese culture, I say "embraced" but all we did was just walk around, eat random things and watched Taiwanese Opera which I must say, is much better than Vietnamese Opera, then again, anything sounds better than people with too much makeup screaming at the top of their lungs in a "melodic" tune. The world is a massive place man, this little known festival catered to so many people and taking a good look at those people was a good eye-opener.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Love on my piano.

"People need to believe in things that aren't true,
how else can they become ?"
- some random dude down the street that blew my fucking mind.

Upon further research, I've learnt that the quote above was actually from a movie, go figure right ? there's no way that there'd be someone with insight of that caliber chillin' some where in Inala but man, some people really have it thought out out there, aye ? makes me kinda wish I was more like that but then I look at what I have and be all like "I'm good, bro."

I woke up with Hoc and Jack next to me, I don't remember how or when they got there but shit, not the first time something weird like that happened. Today was meant to involve some sort of barbecue in some far off place, the only reason why I wanted to go was the chance of me getting my fill of food without paying a dime but it was canceled and although I didn't really lose anything, that feeling of disappointment is still lingering but granted, we should've all grown into that habit by now, goddamnit, Jack.

"Morning neighbor!" Tai yelled as he knocked on the front door, soon he'll become a Poincianian along with Lam and myself and with that said, Jack, Hoc and I offered the rest of our day to help move shit in and out. It felt nice to be productive for someone else, something you can't really find in being productive for your own benefit, I got to catch up with Tai's family, a family I thought was knot tight but I often forget how easily it is to undo a knot. I learnt Tai's little sister gave up Piano in the short time I didn't get to talk/see her, kinda made me sad because it's just like me, she offered to give me her keyboard and I think it'll be this kinda thing that will be the push that I need to be a fucking awesome pianist. There really are all sorts of families out there, some would even give a priceless keyboard to a complete stranger unknowingly that it might indirectly re-light some long lost passion. Dem little things, man (well, to them it might be a little thing.)

Friday 6 September 2013

Day away.

"Oh man, I wish tomorrow was Sunday so we can go to the markets again."
- Hoc Vu
" I- Don't ever say that again."
- Jack Hogan

Ummm so like, yeahhhhh..... I'm sorry, I just so mesmerized by the .gif I picked today. It's the same shit but so.... compelling. There must be something wrong with me, it's not like I never realized but man, I got to draw the line somewhere. Dude, what was I going to type again ? fuck.. Oh yeah.

Holy shit, who knew it would take like forty thousand years to actually do the P's test after booking it ? I always feel uneasy when I have appointments that are like, 3-7 weeks down the track since I never know what will happen and 3-7 weeks is a long time, man, it's like no one else can see that when they make plans. "Is the 9th of December good for you ?" I don't know, motherfucker, I might die before then, goddamn white people.

I had another chance to catch up with Hogan today, needless to say, I took that chance and I'm glad I did. He's probably the most laxed out dude out right now and he can honestly feel at home anywhere, kinda reminds me of me but not me, if you get what I mean, you probably don't because I don't even get what I mean. Was introduced to a lot of new music today thanks to Hogan but for the life of me, I don't remember what they were, they were playing from his phone so I didn't get to catch the artists but I'll be sure to ask him one day :L There really is nothing to talk about when it's just a few people in a room, chilling to music and watching really old movies, uneventful but it was something I needed, heck, we all did. Damn, that nigga is tall as fuck, it looked like he was going to take out all of my light bulbs just from walking to one room to the next.

Thursday 5 September 2013


"Dude, I need to pee. I'd go pee but the fridge is too far."
- Kevin Le, fuck a duck, man. I don't even know why or how I said that so casually.

Jack is pretty much making an effort to get people to have coffee in the morning. I'm usually there already so not only do I get to enjoy some coffee while watching people be but I can do it in the company of Jack and Tony, although, truth be told, there isn't much "watching" as there is just talking about shit that I could honestly do without, all this bitching is starting to affect my bowel movements, it's either that or the coffee. To balance this unhealthy ingestion of bullshit, I tell the person we're bitching about what has been said, that makes me feel much better, I didn't think it would but it does, the more you know, who'd of thought?

Tony had met Carwyn Massey and Matt Dwyer for the first time since high school today, which is a long time and what better place to catch up than smashing golf balls with a driver down the driving range ? I say "catch up" but in all honesty, it was like "how've you been?" "good!" then it was like those 3 years never existed, also, Tony kept calling Carwyn "Callum". Can't say we did much other than have a good time, which is good, rather that than various other things. 

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Bricks and steel.

"The human body wasn't designed to have a sedentary lifestyle, it was created to hunt sabertooth tigers and walk forty miles a day." 
- Tony Huynh

I don't get to see Tony much, the only time we really interact with each other is during sports and that's once a week, I suppose that's a good amount though, once every few days isn't too bad, could even be less but whenever you wake up, you never really know what you're in for for the rest of the day.

Spent my afternoon with Tony and Jack at the driving range down at Corinda, I think we're gradually welcoming a tradition of some sort, this "coffee in the morning" thing and "chill at the driving range" thing is seriously becoming a thing. It seems too mature of people like us but we make it seem immature which is wonder on it's own.

My mum had a day off today, which is rare. She called me and asked me if I wanted her to come over and clean the house, my house isn't exactly clean but it isn't dirty either, well, compared to the shit I see at the houses of other's. I think she felt lonely and wanted to do something, because she's my mumsies, I suppose she'd make it seem like she's the one doing me the favor and making a big deal out of something so little but after going around a bit, that's most asian parents, innit ? I don't think she wants to stop baby-ing me anytime soon, Dante is always off doing his thing and Andy is too busy playing games and getting fat to pay her any mind, they don't know what they're missing, aye. I love being baby-ed. Dante and Andy are going to regret not spending time with the family I imagine, I know I would.

Also spent the night talking and catching up with Thanh, dat nigga is da niggest.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

No bonnie.

"I'm moving."
- Tai Pham, about fucking time.

I don't know what to think of today. I had enjoyed it up til about 10pm, I'm not saying my day was ruined although in sense, I suppose it was. Everything just got surreal so fast. I can't even begin to imagine how you feel, bro. It must be eating you on the inside, I've been in similar situations but nothing as serious as that was and to be honest, I felt helpless, I'm sure we all did. I know it seemed insensitive of some people because they appeared too calm and casual but I think it's just that they don't know how to respond and react and retreating in their own little world was their best alternative but still, I can't blame you if you think otherwise, I kinda thought it was quite a dick move of them to be honest but hey, what can you do ? Hope it doesn't affect you that bad but from the way things looked, I suppose that's just wishful thinking. Power.

Monday 2 September 2013

Fool's gold.

"Have you ever gone egging ?"
- David Melara, at like, 1 am

I was pleasantly surprised with a visit from 2 old high school buddies this morning and by "this morning" I mean 12:00am which should still count. David Melara and Lana Bui (I think... That chick I said I never heard from again in that photo a few posts back) rocked up at my house on bikes and chilled in my room, we talked about music and jammed on the piano a little, I hadn't heard from Melara ever since that car accident, apparently, shortly after that accident, he had lost his license for drink driving and that explains the bikes.

They rode their bikes to Leon's house whereas I ran, it was a good chance to remember the last time I spoke to these 2. I tend to forget the distance I'm running when I'm either looking at the ground or deep in thought, because of this, I don't pay much attention to anything else :L I spent like, 10 minutes of my time trying to set off Leon's car alarm til I realized he doesn't have one, felt like the dumbest fuck in the world for the whole night. What an odd pair though, probably never would've guessed that these 2 spoke to each other let alone hanged out so frequently but I guess that could be said about a lot of people, I mean, yesterday was a prime example. It's always good to catch up with people you've rarely spoke to, kinda feels like a door of some sort opened up somewhere.

Sunday 1 September 2013


"Look at my ass."
- Elita Huynh. She might've said that, I'm not too sure, I was too busy staring at her ass, to be fair, she pulled out her phone to show me pictures and asked me to give her feedback but I don't know anything about modelling other than dat ass. She has a bangin' ass, just thought I'd put that here.
hehehe, "ass"

There's a lot of drama out there, aye ? I step outside to spend the day with a person I had not seen or heard of for almost a year and I'm suddenly presented with information I could do without. I am reminded why I don't leave the house whenever an opportunity arises but I'm kinda glad that there're people who would willingly spend their time with me, especially people as busy as Elita, I kinda felt bad that I was taking up her time but she assured me it was the opposite. We talked over lunch about who we've been seeing on a regular basis and what we've been up to but the fact that I've only exchanged about 4 words with her over high school made it difficult to find a topic we could actively engage in and because of our lack of communication back then, the only alternative topic would be about people, people we both know which is a topic I try to avoid but it seemed like there was something she wanted to get off her chest. I couldn't believe my ears about some of the things she said, it just didn't seem likely that any of it is true but the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. I guess this sort of thing comes naturally for some people.

We ate at Inala then walked to Forest Lake (don't ask me why, man, I don't even know) then we walked around the lake (again, I don't know, it was good cardio though) I met that guy whose face is posted everywhere, goes by the name of "Andrew Nguyen" you might notice (if you seen his picture) that one of his eyes look funny, that is not a camera fault, one of his eyes are fucked up and it took a lot of will power to hold back my laughter, was not expecting that at all. Elita seems to know the guy personally, I swear that chick knows everyone. We went shopping for supplies we needed where we bumped into Vi Vo who works at Woolworths then bumped into Mylinh who works at a nearby bakery. Is it me, or do girls spend more time complimenting each other when they meet than actually "catch up" ? There's a lot to the world I don't know, most of it I don't want to. We walked back to Inala and I drove her to Mylinh's house since she locked herself out from what I could gather. Oh yeah, she told me she was involved in a body oil fight in a hotel room full of models wearing nothing but their lingerie, I thought that shit only happened in porn and movies, you could imagine my depression that something like this occurred when I was probably sitting in my room cutting my nails, reminds me of how big the world really is. Goddamnit, now I'm mad.

 I think everyone we met today had the wrong impression, guess I can't blame them, I would make that assumption as well if the shoe was on the other foot. I think it's because we were never together in high school or any other time for that matter, so I think I shouldn't be surprised with all the blank but yet surprised expressions. Today was nice though, who knew that spending the day with Elita, a girl who I barely know would be so fulfilling, it would probably be even better if I spent it with someone I'm actually familiar with.