Sunday 29 September 2013


"Yeah, you. You sing first."
- Sang Nguyen to me.

I know I said something about not mentioning coffee every post because you can safely assume that I drink it every morning but if I don't mention it, then these posts won't be as long and that isn't something I particularly like. So yeah, drank some of dat coffee this morning and it was fucking awesome.

There was meant to be a triple house warming house party at Tai's in honor of Leon, Hoc and Tai, truth be told, I wasn't looking forward to the cons of that event but as it turns out, this was rescheduled because another event was announced before Tai's. A lot of people seem to think I'm the mastermind of that party and getting bombarded online and in person with inquiries got so repetitive that I just reply with my list of fetishes. If you ever want someone to shut up, I suggest you give them a list of things that give you a boner, it works well, especially with girls but do not try this with me because it will become quite a heated discussion ifyaknowwhatimean.

Went to Hannah's birthday party, although it wasn't held on her birthday due to some shit I didn't bother looking into but it was a good day, well I thought it was a good day even after I looked at the bill, mind you, it was quite the fucking bill. (God bless your soul, Khoa.) The place where we went was right next to the place I bought my piano, that was nice. I got to talk to faces I no longer see on a constant basis which makes me giddy, the relationship I have with Hannah isn't even close but I think that's what makes us close, this lack of information we have of each other is nice, it's like we give each other the benefit of the doubt all the time and that's kinda beautiful.

Happy 19th celebration party, moite.

I think I was actually stressing out a little because I didn't know if I even had a photo with her but I'm glad I stumbled upon this, this isn't really something I would like to forget. There must be something wrong with me, stressing of whether or not I took a photo with Hannah, I would not have even thought about something like this years ago.

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