Saturday 21 September 2013

Exploration of space.

"Don't mean to guilt trip but if you love him, you'd go."
- Hoc Vu, totally guilt tripping everyone to go coffee the morning after.

Coffee was joined by Leon, Tai, Vinh, Denne and Jack. It wasn't til after I had learned that Hoc had coerced everyone to going for my birthday even though it wasn't my birthday, ironically enough, Hoc himself, didn't make an appearance :L

I don't think much happened today. I was given shampoo as a belated birthday gift, I can sorta understand what she was getting at, I'm not sure if it was literal but nonetheless, I started scrubbing in the shower a lot more aggressively. Can someone tell me if I stink ? this shit is making self-conscious and that's not a very good feeling. I preferred it when I didn't give a fuck but man, Old Spice shampoo ? I would've understood if it was any other shampoo but Old Spice ? that shit is strong, bro. It even came with a letter.

The bottle was covered with 4 $5 notes so I'm not even sure if it's Old Spice or not, I was only told by Andy,  knowing Alana, David and Elvis though, It's probably not even shampoo, they probably put in the effort to take out all the shampoo and replace it with conditioner, which is probably the most evil thing I have thought of, ever. 19, huh ?

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