Wednesday 25 September 2013

Be like Bruce.

"Fucking magpies..."
- This cool fob chick who was lost after getting swooped by a flock of magpies, shit was funny as fuck

Spent my entire morning looking for Hoc's car keys, I don't know how that feels but I can imagine it and it doesn't feel good. Hoc's "never say never" attitude towards finding his car keys is impressive, I think I would've already given up a couple of days after losing it but that nigga is still going strong. We didn't find them in the end but it was quite an adventure, rustling through the grass looking for keys is a lot harder than it seems. While looking for those damn keys, I bumped into this fob chick who was lost cause she was fucking around with some magpies (why?) and I helped her out, we talked and made comparisons to Beenleigh and Inala and had a few good laughs and just before she went on her way, she gave me a hug. I don't know, made me real happy to know that there are merry people like that around here, probably made my entire day, that one hug. Fobs are cool.

I was like, chilling, right ? at home and then out of fucking nowhere at around 6pm, Denne comes over with 2 packets of Kettles chilli chips and that like, made me shed a tear. I've been getting quite emotional as of late, I don't have a vagina either last I checked but I could totally get used to this, maybe exaggerating things isn't as bad as I thought it was, brings a little life to everyday-boring stories.

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