Thursday 5 September 2013


"Dude, I need to pee. I'd go pee but the fridge is too far."
- Kevin Le, fuck a duck, man. I don't even know why or how I said that so casually.

Jack is pretty much making an effort to get people to have coffee in the morning. I'm usually there already so not only do I get to enjoy some coffee while watching people be but I can do it in the company of Jack and Tony, although, truth be told, there isn't much "watching" as there is just talking about shit that I could honestly do without, all this bitching is starting to affect my bowel movements, it's either that or the coffee. To balance this unhealthy ingestion of bullshit, I tell the person we're bitching about what has been said, that makes me feel much better, I didn't think it would but it does, the more you know, who'd of thought?

Tony had met Carwyn Massey and Matt Dwyer for the first time since high school today, which is a long time and what better place to catch up than smashing golf balls with a driver down the driving range ? I say "catch up" but in all honesty, it was like "how've you been?" "good!" then it was like those 3 years never existed, also, Tony kept calling Carwyn "Callum". Can't say we did much other than have a good time, which is good, rather that than various other things. 

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