Tuesday 3 September 2013

No bonnie.

"I'm moving."
- Tai Pham, about fucking time.

I don't know what to think of today. I had enjoyed it up til about 10pm, I'm not saying my day was ruined although in sense, I suppose it was. Everything just got surreal so fast. I can't even begin to imagine how you feel, bro. It must be eating you on the inside, I've been in similar situations but nothing as serious as that was and to be honest, I felt helpless, I'm sure we all did. I know it seemed insensitive of some people because they appeared too calm and casual but I think it's just that they don't know how to respond and react and retreating in their own little world was their best alternative but still, I can't blame you if you think otherwise, I kinda thought it was quite a dick move of them to be honest but hey, what can you do ? Hope it doesn't affect you that bad but from the way things looked, I suppose that's just wishful thinking. Power.

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