Tuesday 10 September 2013

Under the weather.

"We live so we can enjoy life, okay?"
- Andy Le, screaming at his computer.

Over the last few days, I've heard rumors about some of my old high school mates. I don't really like to post personal information about anyone really unless I have permission but very few people know I have a blog and even I sometimes forget this thing exists. As I have this for future reference, I would like to think an older version of me would like to be reminded that I once knew these things, well, since they are rumors, there's no way of knowing if what I'm going to write is the truth and I might cop some drama if this falls into the wrong hands but shit, for me, it's worth the risk. It's not like it's bad information or anything, as far as I'm concerned which in hindsight, isn't very far.

I used to have a friend I'd frequently be with by the name of Tiffany Dinh. During high school, this particular chick had a certain appeal about her, it shouldn't have to be said that I was one of the dudes that fell for her elaborate charm and had what you might call a crush but it has and of course it was short lived and we manged to stay on great terms even after everything was cleared up. I don't know why I'm sharing this, I guess I just figured it was high time I actually wrote something of significance on this thing for once, you can hardly call this a "personal" blog unless I actually have something personal on here, I can write anything about myself but the moment it involves someone else, it just becomes "personal". This chick went M.I.A after high school and has recently been seen around cuddling and smooching with a bloke, I don't believe things until I see and hear them but every so often, people can just do things that warp your sense and handle of the world. I recall her strongly objecting public displays of affection, I also recall her defining our friendship as "close" but I honestly don't see it, I think some people are just being too nice out of consideration and as a side-effect-thingy, they often throw words around too easily. There's quite a lot I can say about Tiffany but I guess that comes naturally the more you know a person, you tend to forget the good things the moment the ungood things happen and it wasn't til recently that I realized that the ungood things can't even compare to the amount of positive things that came about the relationship and I'm glad I did but I'm certain this won't be the last time I mention her name.

Tiffany dated old mate Damon Strang for a good chunk of grade 12. This dude was probably closest to "Mr. Perfect" I've ever encountered. I never knew him on a personal level so I can only say that he is what you see. I had heard that Damon had done something amazing a few years after graduation but at the same time, it's exactly what you think he would do if given half the chance. This was only a rumor but not long after graduation, he had thrown away his mobile phone, deleted his Facebook and every other means of social media/online connectivity and bought a one-way ticket to Canada. Apparently the reason why he was so quiet was so he could focus on work so he could save up enough money to do such a drastic thing. I don't think "drastic" was the right word but I know he would've had some really good or absolutely no reason at all to restart his life like that, it's a mixed bag with that guy.

I don't know if I've done the right thing with the whole "post rumors and relationship status about people you haven't met in years" or not but if I do get into shit, I like to imagine I will be able to take responsibility for whatever happens but there's no way I can understand anyone else's circumstances let alone these 2.

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