Friday 20 September 2013

Shooting stars.

"Doctors don't know shit."
- Dante Le

This is like, my fourth attempt at writing this post, it seems like no matter what or how I write, I don't like what I end up with and so no matter how this one turns out, I'm going to keep it.

Today was a little too perfect, almost like some sort of ruse or plot I fell into, I don't think I was alone at all today which was the complete opposite of what I was expecting but when I found out that there were some people who knew about today yesterday, I kinda saw this coming and to be honest, I felt uneasy. It felt like I forced people to come and not only that, I forced them to do nothing with me, almost like I'm wasting their time and they won't ever acknowledge this because they are too considerate, even if that weren't the case, it sure felt like it. I don't understand why people make big deals out of events like this but after today, I think I should just stop wondering and take advantage of a good time.

Hong was the first face I saw when I got back from Zaraffas, she had made me a bracelet and took me thrift shopping around 10am. She had a real right schedule but managed to free up some time to take out a dude she rarely talks to or even knows and to be honest, that shit made me tear up a little. I put a lot of sentimental value into the bracelet she made me and there're many reasons why and I can't see myself taking this thing off for good anytime soon, now that I think about it like that, it sounds a little creepy, sorry, bro :L Myvy was the second face I saw when I got back from Zaraffas after getting back from Zaraffas, she dropped by with a bacon and cheese roll and a cute little cupcake :L Then it was Tai and when they went home, Tony. Vinh, Leon, TD, Kiet rocked up and stayed til late and we did fuck all, all day. It was wonderful.

So yeah, I saw a lot of people and I'm glad I did, I'm glad about a lot of things and I'm especially glad I get to write them down somewhere I can easily access. Shit is sweet.

Happy Birthday to me.
hahah had no candle, had to improvise.

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