Thursday 12 September 2013


- Dante Le. This dude screamed this in the car on our way home, like, with no warning whatsoever.

I remember when we were all told that MSN was going to be shut down, an instant messenger program our generation relied on on the verge of extinction, it wasn't long after that we had to come up with an alternative method to keep in touch on a regular basis. The moment MSN shut down, we had turned to a messaging program called IMQQ, it was basically MSN for Chinese people and it was because of this program that I had the pleasure of talking a Chinese man who teaches English in mainland China. I never actually caught his name so for the sake of this blog, let's call him "Tim". People in China tend to give anyone a chance online, well, this particular bloke did and if it wasn't for his open heart and straightforwardness, I don't think I would have ever ended up with a pen-pal :L 

Tim would talk to me whenever he needed some English exercises for his students and even offered to let me stay at his home whenever I'm in the neighborhood, he introduced me to his wife and she even showed me pictures of her naked body saying she was quite proud of it, I honestly did not have a comment when that happened. Tim is a straightforward dude who would ask whatever came to his mind, he would ask about my love life among other things and really make me think about things I would not of otherwise thought of. He introduced me to some of his students in hopes that I can somehow improve their English skills so talking to some of them has been quite the interesting experience, they're not worried about social status or age and treat you as if you were one of their own, talking to a bunch of 21-35 year old people in such a manner has been refreshing to say the least. His foreign sense of humor would come up with exactly what you think it would come up with, he'd call me "Kefin" or "Kevin Rudd" and it would be so lame, it'd make me laugh. I decided to write about him today because he would usually bring up the subject of "love" because he himself, never experienced parental love, which would explain why he's such a horn dog, he'd say things like "you're a gentleman" and "you're polite" and I've never been able to take those words to heart from anyone else but to read those words coming from someone on the other side of the planet really struck a chord. Strange how to can take the words of a complete stranger yet hesitate to embrace the words of family and friends. I told him everything he wanted to know, how big my family is, what my childhood was like, how's high school here, my hobbies, my preferences when it comes to girls and even what my ideal life would be. I guess our curiosity can't compare to their's and it's very understandable why. We've had discussions about whether or not it's mandatory for people to learn how to deal with the opposite sex at an early age, why I think he relies on love to keep going and how his lack of parental love causes him to seek it in the form of another woman and how my experience with parental love has made me unreliant and causes me to stray away from things of that nature, we're not saying it's true but it does make sense. 

There really wasn't a point in this post, I just wanted to show off how cool Tim is. Also, I don't think I would want to forget something as important as this when I get dementia or something equally serious.

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