Monday 16 September 2013

Love's gonna getcha.

"If the dictionary had a word for me, they would need another dictionary cause it would be too fucking big."
- Dante Le

Spent the the day researching Betty only to come to the inevitable conclusion that I still don't know shit about my car. It seems the break pads are finally starting to wear out even though it's only the front wheels, just 3 hours ago, as far as I was concerned, it's a red car and it looks nice but now ? It's a red car that looks nice with a minor problem and it's starting to suck. Hoa is adept when to comes to mechanical knowledge and he gladly came over to do an inspection, he even offered to fix it if I paid for the parts which is completely reasonable, his heart is as big as his stomach and that's pretty big. I'm glad the people I know have a diverse sense of passion and interests, it sure does has it perks. Car are quite interesting, almost as fascinating as the human body, I've often heard people make that comparison but it wasn't til recently that I found the relevance.

What else happened today ? ...
Oh, I met Mr. Redman today, he was at my doorstep, said he had a delivery for Dante. I think he prefers me to call him "Matt" now, I can't even imagine the awkwardness if I were to call him "Mr. Redman" even after high school although most people still call their past teachers by their last name, old habits die hard, I suppose. In case you didn't already know, Dante and Matt were old high school friends and now Matt runs a small business that provides personal training and delivers supplements and recently, he's developed a clothing brand. Shit is cray.

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