Wednesday 11 September 2013


"Did you guys realize that many letters make a word and many words make a letter?"
- Leon Le, on that TIL swag

I probably spent the whole day with Hoa, like, the WHOLE day. Hoa often comes over to take naps with me, it's become a thing but I can barely notice his presence so we're basically two peas in a pod.

I love Hoa, he lays on the bed and I lay on the couch and we can do absolutely shit all for hours on end, exchange very little words and out of no where he'd be all like "dude, I'm hungry." and I'd be all like "Oh yeah ? what do you feel like eating ?" and he'd reply with "hmmm, roast chicken. You ?" and I'd reply with "Ice cream" and just like that, we go to the nearest woolies and come back with ice cream and roast chicken. We'd eat our fill and go back to whatever it was we were doing, which was nothing and I love it. He's quite different from the others now that I think about it but it might just be me.

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