Thursday 26 September 2013


"Go home and be a family man"
- Hoc Vu, right after I got my ass handed to me in pool.

Can I take a moment to talk about how bloody hot it is ? The sweat from my armpits have merged with the sweat from my bum crack which then rendezvous with the sweat from my head to create this super-cluster-fuck of total wreck that is Spring. I surely cannot be the only one who is feeling this, like, if you were look up the asshole of an ox, you would not find any poo because all the bullshit is right here, in Spring. It's not even Summer and I'm complaining, the fact that my house is pretty much the only house without an air conditioner doesn't help either. Walking into my house feels like having the embodiment of Vietnam lick my face then just stand there, looking at me, following me then watching me take off my clothes in hopes to fend off any heat it's emitting to no avail. How are people still breathing ? The nights aren't so bad though, I actually pray that it comes faster, like, in the morning and I'm not even religious.

I don't remember how but I ended up at some pool place with Hoc, Tony and John at like, 9 and didn't get home til 12. It was nice, very competitive and I think people need a good dose of that every now and then. We didn't even catch up on recent events, actually, we might've but I was too busy looking at balls touch other balls and fall into holes. Tony and I lost when it counted and thus, we had to shout drinks. Word of advice, if you do anything competitive with Tony, he will do everything in his power to attempt to talk you into playing a punishment game and it usually involves the loser buying shit for the winner, do not, by any means fall for his elaborate ruse because it might seem too interesting to resist and if you team up with Tony, you will lose and you will end up buying milkshakes for people who are not you and that sucks.

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