Friday 27 September 2013

Brooklyn for a month.

"Long live the king."
- Kevin Le, I whispered into Andy's ear as I pushed him off my bed and onto the floor.

Had plans but I don't think they came to fruition, actually, it was more like they couldn't. I intended to go to Moonfest tonight but it so happens, I'm so out of the loop that Moonfest was never on tonight, making me feel like a total, total fucking retard, which isn't a feeling I'm foreign to. Hoc was on the same boat :L I've been hanging around with Hoc quite a bit and it's been dope I find, not too sure about him but shit, I enjoy his company. He invited me to go bowling with himself, his cousin, Cindy Nguyen and her 2 younger siblings and me and my vulnerability from the post-there's-no-fucking-Moonfest-tonight status happily accepted and I'm glad I did. Got to talk to Cindy and befriend her two siblings as well as Hoc's cousin, Katie. Oh, I'm really, really shit at bowling, I barely beat the Nguyen siblings and they're 5 and 9, even for my first time, beating them by 1 point is just horrendous.

You know, coffee is such a daily thing, (sometimes, it's even bi-daily) that I don't even feel the need to mention it on my posts anymore, so from this point on, you can safely assume that before anything of significance even happens in my day, I've already had my coffee which is usually a fusion due to this heat. I think I'm addicted, this isn't good, it's like a glass shattered in my head and now I'm just coming to terms with it, I think I need another coffee.

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