Monday 30 September 2013

Do you think.

"Tell Nataliee that I love her very much."
Me, to pretty much every worker besides Nataliee at Zaraffa's. My little way of responding to her I suppose, I'm not actually sure myself but it seemed like a funny thing to do at the time.

I didn't have my coffee this morning, rather, I had it later in the afternoon but we'll get to that later. Woken up by Dante, I spend the most of my morning trying to find my face that was until Hoa came over, I don't know why but when company comes over, I feel energized, like I'm waiting for something, maybe it's just my body not wanting people to come to a lifeless house even though it's pretty much what I'm aiming for. Hoa quickly fell asleep on my bed then Lil-Yen dropped by to give me a handmade gift she made but didn't have the chance to do so on my birthday, bless her soul.

Look at it. It suits my room so well it hurts, I had no hook on my wall so I left it on my shelf along with a bunch of other things that were given to me but this right here, gets a front row seat. I hope I can come up with a gift that's half as thoughtful as a working clock but unfortunately, nothing comes to mind. I got a week or so, I think I can make it by then, I'm gonna knock her socks off so hard, she won't be able to put them back on, I hope.

Coffee was joined by Hoc and Tai, we all had turns taking Betty around which I am grateful for, her breaks stopped screeching from all that driving and it feels as good as new... I think, I never really got to take her around when she was born. We met up at Hoc's house after buying everyday items at Bunnings and started to clean our cars, as far as I was concerned, the end result was pretty bad but at that point, anything would've made our cars look better than they were when the day started. 

I enjoyed today. I think I enjoy anything that's spontaneous, I feel like there will be no disappointment and I can go without worrying about anything and to be honest, I don't think there's a better feeling in the world. 

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