Friday 6 September 2013

Day away.

"Oh man, I wish tomorrow was Sunday so we can go to the markets again."
- Hoc Vu
" I- Don't ever say that again."
- Jack Hogan

Ummm so like, yeahhhhh..... I'm sorry, I just so mesmerized by the .gif I picked today. It's the same shit but so.... compelling. There must be something wrong with me, it's not like I never realized but man, I got to draw the line somewhere. Dude, what was I going to type again ? fuck.. Oh yeah.

Holy shit, who knew it would take like forty thousand years to actually do the P's test after booking it ? I always feel uneasy when I have appointments that are like, 3-7 weeks down the track since I never know what will happen and 3-7 weeks is a long time, man, it's like no one else can see that when they make plans. "Is the 9th of December good for you ?" I don't know, motherfucker, I might die before then, goddamn white people.

I had another chance to catch up with Hogan today, needless to say, I took that chance and I'm glad I did. He's probably the most laxed out dude out right now and he can honestly feel at home anywhere, kinda reminds me of me but not me, if you get what I mean, you probably don't because I don't even get what I mean. Was introduced to a lot of new music today thanks to Hogan but for the life of me, I don't remember what they were, they were playing from his phone so I didn't get to catch the artists but I'll be sure to ask him one day :L There really is nothing to talk about when it's just a few people in a room, chilling to music and watching really old movies, uneventful but it was something I needed, heck, we all did. Damn, that nigga is tall as fuck, it looked like he was going to take out all of my light bulbs just from walking to one room to the next.

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