Sunday 22 September 2013

Can't hold us back.

"Talk to the hand because the face don't understand."
- Some dude in the gym :L

Birthday boy Binh asked me to take a drink with him last night but little did I know, that the cup had an excessive amount of alcohol, something like 4-5 standard drinks in that little cup so needless to say, I was completely shit faced by the time I got home so coffee could've been better. I can't hold my liquor, by the way. Today's morning coffee was accompanied by Hoc, Leon, Tai and Kiet. We sat there at talked for what felt like ages but in reality, about 40 minutes passed before we decided to go to the markets. I swear this is going to become a thing. We did what everyone else would do at the markets I suppose, we walked around in a familiar environment, we knew exactly what was there but went anyway, to be honest, I think only valid reason why most of us came was for the food and man did we come.

Nothing really happened today that stood out other than my personal best for decline benching today which stands at 100kg, probably won't be budging anytime soon though but it's a good thing I'm in no rush. There was no one in the gym other than Kiet, Hoc and myself so Hoc took this chance to "give us a preview" of his transformation damn that nigga has one nice body (fucking %100 homo) I can't wait to see how we all progress in a year's time.

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