Monday 2 September 2013

Fool's gold.

"Have you ever gone egging ?"
- David Melara, at like, 1 am

I was pleasantly surprised with a visit from 2 old high school buddies this morning and by "this morning" I mean 12:00am which should still count. David Melara and Lana Bui (I think... That chick I said I never heard from again in that photo a few posts back) rocked up at my house on bikes and chilled in my room, we talked about music and jammed on the piano a little, I hadn't heard from Melara ever since that car accident, apparently, shortly after that accident, he had lost his license for drink driving and that explains the bikes.

They rode their bikes to Leon's house whereas I ran, it was a good chance to remember the last time I spoke to these 2. I tend to forget the distance I'm running when I'm either looking at the ground or deep in thought, because of this, I don't pay much attention to anything else :L I spent like, 10 minutes of my time trying to set off Leon's car alarm til I realized he doesn't have one, felt like the dumbest fuck in the world for the whole night. What an odd pair though, probably never would've guessed that these 2 spoke to each other let alone hanged out so frequently but I guess that could be said about a lot of people, I mean, yesterday was a prime example. It's always good to catch up with people you've rarely spoke to, kinda feels like a door of some sort opened up somewhere.

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