Saturday 28 September 2013

Sweet like chocolate.

"I wanna see Minh fucked up."
- everyone but mostly me.

Drove around, like, a lot, well, not a lot but it's a lot to me, which actually might not be all that lot.
Spent today looking for Hoc's car keys again, his attention to detail is amazing when he's looking for something but I guess anyone's attention to detail would skyrocket after looking at the same place a dozen times, we looked through gutters, electric boxes, traffic islands, you name it and chances are, we raped it. Hoc ended up asking a near by mechanic if his keys were handed in but the dude just rung up another dude and that dude broke into Hoc's car and got him a new key in a matter of minutes, fucking asians, man.

With Hoc's access to his car, he picked me up for Moonfest and met up with Jack, Matt and Elita, I spent my money on what little food they had to offer, seeing familiar faces whilst stuffing mine, I'm fairly certain I scarred someone's daughter there. I was invited to a house party nearby where I became the designated driver. I saw and met someone I had not spoken to in years, since primary and to see him with this circle of friends reminds me how small the world really is and I would've given anything, to see him drunk off his face. Hoc asked me to take Elita, Cindy, Mylinh, Phi and himself home, which I did. It was good to catch up with those guys even though all I did was watch as they regretfully drown themselves in alcohol.

It's amazing how people have changed, I never would've thought, in a million years that things turned out the way they did. The reason I say this and why all this nonsense came out so suddenly is because I saw topless pictures of a girl I had class with that was taken quite recently, needless to say, it was hot as fuck but it's certainly not something you would expect. Maybe it's because I never took the chance to get to know them enough which I love and hate, I like the way things are now but I often wonder if it could've been better. Probably not.

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