Wednesday 4 September 2013

Bricks and steel.

"The human body wasn't designed to have a sedentary lifestyle, it was created to hunt sabertooth tigers and walk forty miles a day." 
- Tony Huynh

I don't get to see Tony much, the only time we really interact with each other is during sports and that's once a week, I suppose that's a good amount though, once every few days isn't too bad, could even be less but whenever you wake up, you never really know what you're in for for the rest of the day.

Spent my afternoon with Tony and Jack at the driving range down at Corinda, I think we're gradually welcoming a tradition of some sort, this "coffee in the morning" thing and "chill at the driving range" thing is seriously becoming a thing. It seems too mature of people like us but we make it seem immature which is wonder on it's own.

My mum had a day off today, which is rare. She called me and asked me if I wanted her to come over and clean the house, my house isn't exactly clean but it isn't dirty either, well, compared to the shit I see at the houses of other's. I think she felt lonely and wanted to do something, because she's my mumsies, I suppose she'd make it seem like she's the one doing me the favor and making a big deal out of something so little but after going around a bit, that's most asian parents, innit ? I don't think she wants to stop baby-ing me anytime soon, Dante is always off doing his thing and Andy is too busy playing games and getting fat to pay her any mind, they don't know what they're missing, aye. I love being baby-ed. Dante and Andy are going to regret not spending time with the family I imagine, I know I would.

Also spent the night talking and catching up with Thanh, dat nigga is da niggest.

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