Saturday 7 September 2013

Love on my piano.

"People need to believe in things that aren't true,
how else can they become ?"
- some random dude down the street that blew my fucking mind.

Upon further research, I've learnt that the quote above was actually from a movie, go figure right ? there's no way that there'd be someone with insight of that caliber chillin' some where in Inala but man, some people really have it thought out out there, aye ? makes me kinda wish I was more like that but then I look at what I have and be all like "I'm good, bro."

I woke up with Hoc and Jack next to me, I don't remember how or when they got there but shit, not the first time something weird like that happened. Today was meant to involve some sort of barbecue in some far off place, the only reason why I wanted to go was the chance of me getting my fill of food without paying a dime but it was canceled and although I didn't really lose anything, that feeling of disappointment is still lingering but granted, we should've all grown into that habit by now, goddamnit, Jack.

"Morning neighbor!" Tai yelled as he knocked on the front door, soon he'll become a Poincianian along with Lam and myself and with that said, Jack, Hoc and I offered the rest of our day to help move shit in and out. It felt nice to be productive for someone else, something you can't really find in being productive for your own benefit, I got to catch up with Tai's family, a family I thought was knot tight but I often forget how easily it is to undo a knot. I learnt Tai's little sister gave up Piano in the short time I didn't get to talk/see her, kinda made me sad because it's just like me, she offered to give me her keyboard and I think it'll be this kinda thing that will be the push that I need to be a fucking awesome pianist. There really are all sorts of families out there, some would even give a priceless keyboard to a complete stranger unknowingly that it might indirectly re-light some long lost passion. Dem little things, man (well, to them it might be a little thing.)

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