Friday 13 September 2013

We ain't them.

"I'll be back."
- Teddy Tolentino, currently in America getting into all kinds of crazy adventures.

Been talking to one of Tim's students and she calls herself "Shawn" yeah, I don't know either. I've talked to Tim's students before but never one on one and I'm starting to worry, I don't know why but there's something about talking to someone online and never actually meeting them that makes me anxious and the fucked up thing is, I don't know what over. She's been sending pictures of herself and been asking me to send pictures of myself and me, being the unphotogenic person that I am, sent her a picture of me making a really fucked up face, which is pretty much any picture of me. I kinda hope it scared her off, having a dude on the other side of the Earth to be sending such a picture must've come across as a surprise to her, I probably single-handedly worsened the image Chinese people have of Australians and I don't regret it at all. For the record though, this is what she looks like.

She's a looker, ain't she ? poor bloke though. Out of everyone, EVERYONE in the world, she's stuck with me because of Tim, I really hope I don't say something the wreck her sense of self cause I tend to do that to everyone I talk to. hahahah "Shawn" what a strange name for a woman.

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