Saturday 14 September 2013

Little you & I.

"That fucking broke my fucking legs and put me in a feelchair."
- everyone, after watching that .gif

There was a Facebook status not too long ago about some sort of Richlands East State School primary reunion but everyone knows when those statuses are made and you are some what involved, you'll be bombarded with friend requests from people you've not seen in years and as much as you would want to decline that shit, you don't want to come across as a person who is basically a dick but you accept and have to put up with their shitty as posts with their shitty as problems and their friends, who have shitty as input in every shitty as situation they come across. Also, all of them can't spell even if their lives depended on it which is a stupid thing to get worked up about but goddamn, at least put some effort in communicating with your friends.

English has changed a lot. As much as I want to correct people in hopes that those corrections will stick all in the sake of helping them in the near future, I can't be assed to anymore. It will only lead to arguments and talking/typing for a heated discussion doesn't sound too fun to me as I imagine it would be for anyone who owns a blog. Looking back now, I should've just declined that shit. Fuck it, I'll delete them now. So many simple solutions for simple problems but I think the reason why these problems still linger around is that people are afraid, which is good. Fear shows us our weaknesses.

P.S I'm not saying I'm English Super Jesus but man, have you seen the way some of these scrubs type ?

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