Monday 9 September 2013

Acura Integurl

"I'll see you in the Shadow Realm"
- Korneelioouls Izsak (the "l" is silent, it's his culture apparently) - when asked for a quote

Korneelioouls Izsak isn't really a person I know nor is it even a real person, it's just the pseudonym this dude that has a height that rivals Zues wished to take. Just thought I'd clear that up unless you were all like "damn, Kevin knows some weird people" which is totally understandable as I do like to stick around to those I find a little odd since there's rarely a dull moment when surrounded by such company and now I'm getting off track, sorry.

I walked Jack's Siberian Husky (yeah, he has one, who'd of thought ?) to Hoc's house then Hoc and his youngest brother accompanied us to a nearby park where we stood an awe of this being's majestisism. According to the interwebz, "Majestisism" isn't even a word but since this is my domain, it is now a word, I have the power, also, while I'm here, let me put down a few rules I wrote for everyone in the world in year 9 SOSE class, ahem.

Rule 1: Kevin Le is always right
Rule 2: IF Kevin Le is ever wrong, please refer to rule number 1
Rule 3: Leon Le, Cameron Martin, Joe Hughes and those asian girls at the table beside us, must                               always obey Kevin Le
Rule 4: Kevin Le is always right

Oh shit, I got off-track again.

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