Sunday 8 September 2013

Miss you so.

"I think I prefer it up the ass."
- Hoc Vu, during a heated discussion about prostate examinations

Morning coffee was accompanied by Tai, I never usually see that bloke twice in a row and it was a pleasant morning having a fresh face sipping on a beverage contemplating how to spend the morning/afternoon. Coffee ended earlier than usual since we decided to go to the markets again, which is a good thing, it's not ideal to sit down at a place for an hour or two after you finish your coffee, this freedom is something I could get used to. Always stumble on something new every time I visit the markets, that slight surge of excitement is something worth seeking and the markets is one of the ideal places to find it. As usual, I didn't buy anything, I don't know why I keep coming back to that place, it's probably the company I suppose. Tai drove me home and then I masturbated ferociously for hours, such is life as a NEET, won't be for much longer though.

Totally forgot I went to the Taiwanese festival yesterday, complete brain fart. Yesterday was quite eventful now that I think about it, Went to Tai's Goodna house probably for the last time. Seeing that house stripped of everything of value felt depressing, reality hit hard when I got home. The memories of that place is still there but to know that it's not what it used to be anymore isn't that great, I don't think it was meant to be but shit, bro. While moving pieces of furniture, Hoc brought up the Taiwanese festival that was happening at Calamvale, said he was asked by Kiet who just wanted to see the fireworks, I like that, having a sudden urge to go see something then doing anything in your power to make it come true, truly admirable in my eyes. Tai was keen but in the end, he didn't come and I think I can understand why but I could be wrong :L Kiet and Hoc picked me up for a longer than expected drive to Calamvale where we leisurely embraced the Taiwanese culture, I say "embraced" but all we did was just walk around, eat random things and watched Taiwanese Opera which I must say, is much better than Vietnamese Opera, then again, anything sounds better than people with too much makeup screaming at the top of their lungs in a "melodic" tune. The world is a massive place man, this little known festival catered to so many people and taking a good look at those people was a good eye-opener.

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