Thursday 31 October 2013

Boy meets girl.

"Just because it's weird, doesn't mean it's random and pointless, y'know what I'm sayin' ?"
- Tim Chantarangsu

Found out my chest hair vaguely resembles the bat symbol, that doesn't have to do with anything ever, just thought I'd share it here. Maybe I'm Batman. That'd explain... nothing, if anything, it would only confuse me further.

Today was Brandan's Birthday, and if you don't know who that is, then you should probably suck the dick that's on your head or look at the pictures below. He's been given many nicknames and personas from high school, shit like "gorilla" or "abo" among other mean names (not saying that those are negative words but at this point, I don't think anyone would believe me) that are along those lines so I thought it'd be nice to drop by his house with some chicken and watermelon and just when I thought it couldn't possibly get any better, the first thing I saw before going in his house was a car trunk full of bananas. I think that settles it, guys. Brandan is actually an aboriginal gorilla that was raised by humans, you know, like Tarzan but the exact opposite :L but he's a cool bloke, a very unique relationship compared to all my other relations with people, a guy who can cop a joke and then take it further. We had made plans to gym together but his family decided to go out for dinner at the last moment, which to be honest, should've been expected. Birthday dinners were never a thing since living by myself so I never really thought about it, kinda inconsiderate on my part now that I think about it. Missed Myvy by a hair, too which sucked balls. Shit is always funnier with that chick around.

Today was also Tiffany's birthday, I had intended to bum at her house, too but she was busy with things I didn't bother looking into but hey, what can ya do ? There's plenty of time for that later, when everyone's got a little leisure time on their hands :L

I recall posting about Tiffany's birthday last year, it's kinda hard to believe that I've had this thing for over a year now, time flys even faster when you got one of these things S: not quite sure how I feel about that.

hahaha, just wow.
Happy 20th, bro
I would've added pictures of Tiffany if she wasn't so damn camera shy back then

Boy Meets Girl - World Order

Wednesday 30 October 2013

World order.

"you're quite solid"
- Old lady who was delivering catalogs to each house, EGO THROUGH THE FUCKING ROOFFFF. Actually, she might've been blind but I hope not.

Spent all day walking, whether it may be to Inala, Richlands or just around the house. All this time I'm spending at home is starting to make me restless so I'm just looking for shit to do, bugged Andy and Dante til they left and now I'm bored, it's a good thing pokemon is on youtube otherwise I'd be at Izzy's third wheeling until they go to sleep and then eat a watermelon. Oh James, you crack me up :L


World Order - World Order

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Mind shift.

"Yeah, that's kinda gay, aye ?"
- Dante Le.

Whenever I'm at home, chances are, I'm probably naked and it's not the typical burmused shuffle you'd imagine, it's more like a stride of glorified pride where nothing can nudge me from my throne. While in this state, Dante happened to see me in my entirety which isn't uncommon, mind you, I did what anyone in the wrong mind would do and danced and for some odd reason, the moment Dante saw Excalibur he said "that reminds me, I need to fap" which I then laughed uncontrollably. When he asked what was so funny I told him "you needed to fap when you saw my dick!" which then prompted the quote of the day and that, single-handedly, made my year. What a homo :L

Mumsies hasn't been letting me do anything these days, I suppose it's because I'm so close to getting my P's, she doesn't want me to get caught which is understandable but not going to the gym, Inala, Richlands or anywhere else for that matter is a little demoralizing. Staying at home is all well and good but if I stay here too long, I end up sleeping for hours on end and doing random shit like wash the car, play pranks and go insane which isn't good for anybody.

There was a bunch of other shit I wanted to type but I can't, for the life of me, remember what they were. Shame that.

Mind Shift - World Order

Monday 28 October 2013


"You come here almost everyday."
- those 2 nice workers at Zaraffa's

Had plans to go coffee with someone but they bailed last minute which is to be expected, I'm not paying that particular person out or anything, you'd think by now everyone would be used to plans not turning out well but I guess it's only human for people to expect the best and not the worst. I went to Zaraffa's and as I enjoyed a strawberry creme fusion, I had a sudden urge to wash Betty, I guess it was how good the day looked that sparked such a spontaneous thought.

Hoc and Seed picked me up to go out and eat Pho shortly after coffee. I feel so old, not only am I doing things like coffee but when they said "we're eating Pho" and we actually went out and ate Pho and did nothing else, it struck me as odd. Back in the days, when they or anyone else asked "you wanna go eat Pho?" it usually meant eating Pho and then doing something completely unpredictable like hosting a barbecue or crashing someone's house, I remember doing both in that order after "Pho" in high school but now it's literally just Pho. Is this maturing ? I don't like it.

You'd be amazed at the amount of people who live in Inala that don't have buckets. Washed Betty from 2 til 4pm and within that time, the amount of times people looked at me with disgust for cleaning my car (including Andy) in the middle of the day was extraordinary, wait, not really, it was more like 7 people or so but I can't really blame them, anyone would be disgusted if they saw a half naked asian dude that folded his shirt into a bra and washed his car to the beat of EDM songs. I don't think I left a good impression to that Asian family that moved in across the road but hey, what can you do ?

Wonder - Adventure Club & The Kite String Tangle

Sunday 27 October 2013


"My life became 600% better when i started acting like a self obsessed piece of shit like 10/10 would recommend. Even if u don't actually genuinely love yourself it's fuckin fun to act like you think you're the human embodiment of perfection go on try it life's too short to not fall in love with yourrself."
- grrrlfever, some dude on Twitter.

Nothing really happened today. Andy got his friend to come over who happened to be Alex's little brother, Anthony (the bloke is as tall as me and he's only in year 8, kinda depressing :L) and we spent the day screaming at each other. Now that I think about it, it was a pretty good day.

I had coffee with Kiet and Hoc, Tai was also meant to join us but he changed his mind due to his frustration of not being able to define his sexuality when he encountered 4 goats gangbanging a helpless pig which then enforced an erection that was so big, it pierced and killed said pig. The goats chased him but he pole vaulted to his room with his own penis. In case you take me seriously, that didn't really happen, everyone knows Tai has no penis. Again, I jest, wait, maybe not, I've never seen his tally whacker so I cannot be sure. I honestly don't know where I'm going with this post, I think the lack of memorable events were so minuscule, I felt compelled to make shit up but I'm gonna keep this, kinda makes me chuckle a little :L 

This blog is so vulgar hahahahah I like it.

Unsaid - Bad Boy Bill & Tamra Keenan

Saturday 26 October 2013

Go it alone.

"Fuck you, Kevin, you fucking cunt."
- Ken Lee, after talking to him on the phone for a few minutes all while thinking he was talking to Dante, we're indistinguishable over the phone. They call each other "boo boo" :L  disturbingly cute.

Morning was spent with Denne, Squishy and Hoc. Denne had gathered us to play pool at Sunnybank and I think it did all of us some good, we left slightly more fufilled, well, that's what it felt like, as for what really happened, I'll never know but I prefer it like that.

Got a visit from Tai (I was going to say "neighbor" and leave him anonymous but then I realized how amazingly fucking stupid that is unless like, you prefer that I don't mention you directly but what are the chances of that ? there's like, 4 people that know I even have one of these things. I totally forgot where I was going with this..) and we just chilled all while showcasing our tastes in music which is always nice, never know where you can find the inspiration to broaden your tastes. Oh, sorry if I smelt like a dead rabbit that's been sitting three quarter miles away from the surface of the sun for months on end, didn't really shower til I smelt my own stench and vomited in my mouth a little only to consume it again after you left.

I developed a habit of walking my guests to their means of transportation and I think this is a good thing, granted, I only started today but I think this is something like this will stick. You never know, man, rape could be just around the corner from my house and I'll be damned before anyone utters "I got raped in front of Kevin's house".

I think I learnt how to be a son today. I used to find it hard to say things like "yeah, you're right, I'm sorry. I love you" when it comes to my mumsies but that shit comes off faster than my clothes when I'm at home now. I think regardless if you know you're right or not, your parents deserve to have the limelight their entire lives and it makes me sad to only realize that now. These days, I don't even know what I'm apologizing for but if mumsies can bothered to bring it up with me then I can trust her enough to know that I fucked up somewhere along the way and admitting that to her is equally as satisfying as painting her house purple (that bitch loves her purple) and if that's all it takes, then shit, I'll record that shit and leave it as my voice mail, just:


- "I'm sorry mum, you're right, I'm sorry. Love you

- "come home early, son"

bam, that's it but it's sad that the words I'm saying have no meaning when I don't know why I'm saying them, it's basically false hope that gives her that fake comfort. Huh, I think I'm conflicted, guess I'll watch Pokemon or something.

woo, long ass post. You know what I could live without ? asshole hair, wait, any hair from the chin down really but if we did grow up like that, then how can I be grateful for something that I never knew that could happen ? How could I appreciate no pubes unless I had pubes ? holy shit, I being so deep right now. I'M NORMAL, YOU'RE WEIRD.

Go it Alone - Dash Berlin & Sarah Howells

Friday 25 October 2013

Our story.

"Did... did Dash Berlin really just like Hong's comment ?"
- Kevin Le

I recall saying something along the lines of "I wish I was more into things" in an earlier post but I don't think I meant what I meant at the time. It's more like I wish the circumstances were appropriate for me when those things happen. I received texts awhile ago from Hong who relayed the following: 

"broooooo, Dash coming back to bris on feb 9 Tickets coming out on 24th oct"
would've replied but credit kinda died that  morning, xin loi dep trai.

And it was right then that I decided I'd make an effort to go to all things I missed out on this year next year, you know, live it up a little and it's people like Tai, Hong, Hoc and everyone else who are so immersed in their respective interests that plant that seed into my head, the whole "you might as well go, bro, fuck, we're all going" message and it's something I'm really lucky to have. These people know me but they still ask if I want to go to so-and-so or blah-blah-blah and eventually, if it comes up enough, I just might want to go just for the shits n' giggles even though I know I'll have a blast with the best company in the world and even if I don't, I'll make it so. I hope things go right this year, the way I pave into next year will motivate me to do things like Tough Muddah, Spartan Race, Colour Run, Neon Run, Bridge to Brisbane, Marathon festival and all those other events that I wasn't fit enough to participate in this year in addition to a metric fucktonne of music festivals I didn't get to attend. I really hope I don't go back on my word. I think I've hit this phase where I just want to be there when things happen which is strange seeing as though it was the complete opposite for all these years but change is inevitable and even though it's scary, it's kinda exciting.

Our Story - Mako

Thursday 24 October 2013

Love away.

"Holy fuck, it's so fucking hot!"
- Everyone

You know what'd be a dope idea ? I'm thinking about changing the layout of this blog a little, not the appearance but more the content, starting with the pictures. I can't wait til I get my hands on a camera, whether it be on a phone, iPod or even just a camera. This "quote of the day" thing should be accompanied by a "photo of the day" and it should be related to each other sometimes, I can sorta see how this blog changes, it's like a child growing up gradually becoming more and more organized and shit. It's going to be so trippy when I read this in the far future, like, with my kids or whoever I'm with at the time.

I'm also thinking about making a bucket list, like, literally, a bucket with sheets of paper containing shit I want to do before I kick it (hahaha, get it ? kick the bucket ? damn, nigga, I'm good. Hold up, that might be where the saying came from and here I thought I was being clever and shit) and every so often I would shake it up and pick one from random and dedicate my free time to finishing it then have a break and do it again, it's gonna be filled with the most random stuff, too like "Eat while pooping. I must be swallowing a piece of food as a piece of poop is leaving my body to make it legit" and "Ride a wave on a surfboard (bonus points for saying "ay!" like Fonzie)" and "Rent two hot air balloons and attach them together then at the top of the two air balloons, dangle a giant inflatable penis and fly over elementary schools" or classic ones like "Fight a fucking bear" or "Go to Washington D.C and take a picture where the Washington monument looks like my penis" So many ideas ! I think the bucket would fill up faster than I could finish it and I am okay with that.

Love Away - Capital Cities

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Promise this.

"What is that ?!"
- Andy, Dante and Kevin Le, there's no particular reason why we say this, I mean, there was but now it's just one of those things that are said even with no context.

I sneezed and burped at the same time today, it was weird.

Morning coffee was spent with Tai, it was a little gay to be honest and announcing that I had a boner to everyone didn't really help either but it was nice nonetheless, I'm no stranger to acting a little gay, some say I'm gayer than gay people and that's pretty gay. I could get used to this, I think I already am used to this, the routine of sitting somewhere sipping on a beverage, looking at people while thinking of nothing in particular and watching Nataliee ignore me is something I've grown fond of, doing all of the above with company is even better. Shit, I even got recognized at Inala as "the dude that's got a Zaraffa's fix" not even sure if I should be proud or not.

Tai and I rambled about a bunch of things I can no longer remember and I spent an hour or so at his place before joining my mumsies for lunch. Came home to Hoa where I spent the rest of the day watching "Inside the Actor's Studio" episodes til I napped. 

I would climb mountains and split seas to have a voice like Russell Crowe's, that'd be so fucking sweet. I think I watch too much "Inside the Actor's Studio" 

Promise This - Adele

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Teenage dirtbag.

"uhhhh, I'm not sleeping, I'm just closing my eyes and snoring..."
- Hoa Nguyen, passed out on the bed.

Was given a chance to take Betty out today, I'm always keen to drive since I was told it's good for the car to get it's fluids going daily and to do that requires a bit of driving. Took the neighbor to Inala for some reason (mum always told me not to kiss and tell, he could be planning a robbery for all I know, fuck it.) then shortly returned for dat Japanese chicken curry then stayed home. A lot of other things were meant to happen today but you know what they say about plans; "they don't fucking happen"

I literally spent the rest of the day with Hoa watching the first season of Pokemon, that shit is ridiculous, bro, like, I know it was released in 1997 and shit but there was this episode where this dude had a Marowak right? and it threw it's bone at Team Rockets hot air balloon while it was in the air and it fucking exploded, I don't think I've laughed harder at an anime ever, a fucking bone of all things, it was a beautiful moment.

The neighbor might be joining me for coffee tomorrow morning, we'll see how that goes.

Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus

Monday 21 October 2013

Silence in your heart.

"Wonder what the kids are up to."
- Kevin Le, like, 30 seconds ago.

It's been a quiet day today, I didn't meet or see anyone other than Dante and Andy, I'm not complaining, it's just what it is. My day started with coffee where I saw familiar faces which is always nice, I enjoy watching people and imagining what their life is like in contrast to mine, they have significant others, debts, children, occupations, co-workers and must keep a satisfactory outward appearance at all times while I'm just sitting there touching myself, I'm not really looking forward to growing old, well, older.

Since nothing happened, I don't think there's much to say. I liked today, today has been a nice day. Good day.

Silence In Your Heart (Antillas Remix) - Dash Berlin & Chris Mardin

Sunday 20 October 2013

Where are we going.

"bring the bois."
- Tai Pham, I now realize that he meant Dante and Andy, sorry bro, totally forgot I had brothers for a second.

Was invited out for coffee by Hoc and Kiet, which was nice, I like this balance of solitude and company, it's not so much of a balance rather than having the choice to pick between the two whenever I want and nothing is more liberating than having a choice, that and having a wank but I suppose that that too, is a choice. 

We talked about our plans for the future regarding lifestyle as well as financial loans, you know you're getting old when you stop talking about bitches and start talking about money in a fucking cafe late morning, it's not that I mind but the transition is really something else. The moment Kiet dropped me off home, I received a text from Tai saying his mumsies (hahah it's catching on) made some food and telling me to bring my brothers but as I was with Kiet and Hoc at the time, I thought he meant them, it wasn't til I got home that I beat myself up for being such a fuckface :L 

I like bananas.

Where Are We Going - Mob Of The Dead

Saturday 19 October 2013

Rock with you.

"What the fuck!?"
- Flynn Huynh, right after TD vomited on him.

Vomit played a large part today, out of all the things my day could revolve around, I don't think anyone could've guessed that it would be vomit.

I spent the morning with Dante as he took me with him to gym and after we were done, we both ran to the furtherest bush so we could throw up. I glad he threw up, he looked so calm and composed but the moment we stepped out, his face told me he was going to vomit and as he vomited, I vomited and I guess this caused some sort of chain reaction because when he got home, Andy was in the toilet probably vomiting, too.

I picked Kiet up from his house and we made our way to TD's place for his birthday party. Not much else happened that are worth mentioning, we did the things just about anyone else would do at a party, everyone made an effort to get each other drunk until there was nothing left and we all fucked off home. These last few birthdays have been odd, I ask what would be an ideal gift to the birthday boy/girl but they always reply with the same shit "I just want you to be there" or "nothing" which is all well and good but whenever I do rock up I feel bad because everyone else chipped in for a pony covered in diamonds that poops strawberries. Maybe I really got to start being thoughtful and considerate and all that bullshit just to get by instead of putting people into corners to receive an objective, I'd prefer it if people were more straightforward but hey, beggers can't be choosers, I suppose.

Rock With You (Baptiste MCMXCI Remix) - Michael Jackson

Friday 18 October 2013

Who knows, who cares.

"That made so much sense, it made dollars."
- Alex Dang, about 4 years ago, why the fuck am I recalling something like that now ? I don't even remember in what context that was said.

Hoc called up saying he wanted a haircut, why did he call me ? fucks me but I'm never in a position to question a dude's motives so I tagged along to watch him get his hair cut, definitely wasn't expecting that when I woke up this morning. I took this chance to drop by his house and vacuum the inside of Betty and after a solid hour or so, she's looking fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, wouldridetotownandback/10. Somehow ended up at Little Taipei with Seed and Hoc then pool where I shat all over them, their mind, body, soul and the insides of their hearts were completely filled to the brim in my own feces which I enjoyed thoroughly. 

It's like 5am and I'm still up, it's those fucking vine videos, man. The vines on facebook don't fucking end, I watch one, then I click on the little arrow shit and watch another, this shit has been going on FOR THE LAST 4 HOURS, WHY CAN'T I STOP ?! this is retarded, I don't even like vine videos, I'm pretty much forcing myself to stay awake just to go through more of these clips, some of them aren't even vines which confuse me, these pages need to get their shit together. Oh my god, am I seriously complaining about people on the internet ? it's like I'm in grade 9 again, I think this sleep deprivation and hunger has got me on the edge. Guess I'll quickly donate to the fap jar and call it a night, this is not the right time for this kind of shit.

Who Knows, Who Cares (Acoustic) - The Local Natives

Thursday 17 October 2013

Rough water.

"where did all my food go?"
- Kevin Le, when he got home from Tai's unexpectedly finding fuck all anywhere.

What the fuck did I do today other than going to Wacol then to Tai's.... Nope, nothing comes to mind. Even though I spent a good 3-4 hours at Tai's house, there's really nothing I can write other than we played streetfighter, even then, it's not something worth going into detail cause then I'll be using all these weird terms to the point where I wouldn't even know what the hell I'm on about, granted, it doesn't take much for me to trail off into something else that's completely irrelevant to the previous subject.

I remember when Tai got knocked the fuck out, Leon and I left him to his naps because naps are awesome, and I caught a glimpse or his mother praying her fucking heart out and it struck a chord, not sure what kind of chord but it was a sight to behold. I can say a lot of things about religion and most of which isn't something religious people would appreciate but to see that immense concentration and dedication would strike a chord with anybody, or at least, I would like to think so. I like to voice out my thoughts the moment they reach my head but when I heard she does that every day, it felt wrong to give an input. Religion is a powerful thing, man, people cling to it and often it's the only thing people have and it'd be a real dick move to question someone's belief, it's a shame not everyone thinks the same. The N word, peace.

Rough Water - Travie McCoy & Jason Mraz

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Kangaroo court.

""E" is for "igloo""
- Dante Le, his attempt at spelling. In all honesty, I don't even know if he's trolling anymore, man. You can't possibly be that stupid, can you ?

Today was spent mostly in the company of Dante, Andy and Kiet, haha what a strange combination. 70 poinciana street was bombarded with visitors today, opened the door more times than I care to remember and it felt kinda good, even paid Tai a visit on his study break, truth be told, I probably overstayed his welcome, I tend to fuck up people's productivity and Tai was no exception, it was nice though, taking 10 seconds of my time to talk up the road to visit someone who used to live 50,000,000 days away because we all know that Goodna might as well be in China.

Dante had asked Kiet to clean his computer since he has a certain reputation about him but I'm pretty sure I'll be going into the specifics in another post, because of Dante's request, we drove to officeworks to buy some shit and bumped into Mr. Hogan who surprisingly remembers Dante. Even though I spent the day with Andy and Dante, I can't for the life of me, remember what we did, I do recall spelling "Acacia Ridge" over 20 times, though but that's about it. It's been a strange day and I'm glad to know there will be a fuck tonne more to come. Strange is the new "wonderful" niggas, get wit it.

Kangaroo Court - Capital Cities

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Mr. brightside.

- Kevin Le, when he came to the sudden realization that he didn't come back to the gym after sports, at like, 12am.

Today was spent on sleeping, a lot of sleeping, I could honestly wrap up today with that but for the sake of having a substantial amount of content on each post, I'll find some other shit that happened today that I can write about.

Hoa came over again today, I enjoy his presence, he makes me so lazy, well, lazier than I already am and that's pretty damn lazy. I think he started a little tradition of coming to my house a few hours before sports so I have a means of transportation there and even if that wasn't his intention, I'm going to fool myself into believing it is because I don't want to find out anything I don't have to. Since sports start at 7:30, I intended to visit the gym at 5 but because of Hoa's aura, I stayed home and ended up going at 6 and only did a third of what I wanted. I don't usually mention the gym in my posts simply because it isn't interesting to read, nothing is interesting about reading about a dude who picked something up and put it back down hundreds and hundreds of times but I think I would like to remember this particular experience as it does make me chuckle every time I think about it :L

I remember saying that I imagined sport was something that wouldn't last long but I don't think I've seen this many people in a court at once before. We had all kinds of people rock up, there were 50 asians, 1 black dude and a gorilla but because of the numbers we couldn't all be on the court at once so it was a lot more laxed than usual, not something I thing I would like to get used to when it comes to sports.

I was talking to a wombat and it wasn't til the end of the conversation that I realized I had completely forgotten about the second half of chest day. I dropped all my shit and ran outside where tripped and fell to the ground hurting my ego more than anything else, then cried as I drove to the gym. It's a good thing no one was there cause it's quite revealing when you hop on a bench in undies, not that I mind being revealing but it would be a massive bitch to deal with "your balls are showing, bro" a hundred times. There aren't enough hours in the day.

Mr. Brightside - The Killers

Monday 14 October 2013


"That's enough cardio for the year...."
- Mirza Hasanbasic, after running for about a minute to his car.

Dante caught the stomach virus from me this morning and it felt good to see him complain and cry in pain, being sick is a terrible thing, I wouldn't wish it upon my worse enemy but in the 19 years I've known Dante, this is the first time I've seen him sick and it's nice to know for sure he's human, I'm not saying I would treat him any differently if he was actually a wombat but only a member of the Le family would complain and cry like that :L We had a small chat about our real dad today, he rarely brings things like that up and I was surprised to find out that there are things that even he misses about dad, even if it's just the food he makes, on his defense, that nigga should be on iron chef, I'd eat shit he'd find on the floor with pleasure but nuff bout' my old man.

Spent my late morning/early afternoon with Melara and Mirza going around and applying everywhere, it's always nice to have a back up in case something goes horribly wrong, also found out Justin owns a fucking ice cream shop in some place I can't pronounce and fuck me, it'd be the best ice cream you've ever had but that's probably only because it was free, actually, yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the reason. 

Came back home and Dante passed out on my couch, you know how you listen to your music library on shuffle then you're all like "you know, I sure would like to listen to "insert song name here" next." AND THEN IT PLAYS NEXT ?! yeah, that's what Dante's suffering felt like to me, only the feeling lasted for 4 hours instead of that 2-3 minutes.

Naive - The Kooks

Sunday 13 October 2013

Stuck on you.

"Where the fuck is Alex ?"
- Everyone.

Alex has this thing he does where he will spend the night at your place for whatever reason and wake up in the middle of the night/early morning and just fuck off somewhere without a word, he's done that to me like, 5 times so far and I used to worry about him but now I just don't give a fuck. Denne and Squishy also left, it kinda makes me feel bad though, whenever Alex or whoever does that, I assume there's something wrong with my house and I do try to make it more comfortable for the people who stay but shit man, that can only go for so long, now I don't give a fuck, I still make an effort for my visitors but if my efforts ain't good enough, I'll show them the door and even pack their shit just so I can politely tell them to fuck off with love. I'm such a top bloke.

I have bruises on my nipples, what the fuck did I do last night to get those ? I'll ask around later but for now, my nipples require ice. Oh god that feels amazing. 

Flynn went home so I had morning coffee with TD, Teddy, Leon, Tai, Hoa and KT, Trumpet was there but she was in her car. I went home and they went to run and volunteer, it's amazing how far people go to indulge themselves in culture and events, I would like to do that one day, when I'm not such a stinge and more financially stable. I hope to be apart of every event next year and every year after it, something about waking up every morning with a tight schedule I enjoy, a purpose, yes, I would like to have a purpose BUT RIGHT NOW I SHALL DO NOTHING AND WAIT PATIENTLY FOR THINGS AND STUFFS.

Holy shit, how did I forget ?

Happy 19th Birthday, Leon!
Hope you spent it how you wanted it to though I doubt it since you were probably hung over like a naked black dude on a mountain.

Stuck On You - Meiko

Saturday 12 October 2013

Jazz city poet.

"Looks like you need more alcohol."
- Tai's mother. I don't know if I heard her right or she just implied it but shit, she da niggest.

I am way too drunk to be blogging. I have 6 people sleeping at my house as I type this, Flynn surprisingly snores really loud, it doesn't hold a candle to Andy but it's up there. 

I woke up, did my thing at Zaraffa's, went back home and thought about today. In all honesty, the fact that there was a party today completely flew over my head and I spent the entire morning wondering what I was forgetting, luck would have it, I wasn't the only one as Hoc had also forgotten about his own house warming party. Makes me glad to know that some things don't change :L what the fuck why can't I get this stupid grin off my face ? oh yeah, I'm fucking drunk. Hold up, I'll be right back in a few hours, gotta go freshen up.

Okay, it's 2am and I can kinda find my own limbs with ease I think. Ummm, I spontaneously picked up Hoc to buy what left was needed for the party as well as other things I needed for my own household and we met up with the rest of the guys. The amount of preparation was insane to our standards and I think everyone underestimated what it takes to be a host of a proper party, I swear we need a universal check list for this kind of shit. 

It was a weird night for me, fun, that's for sure but also weird. I learnt many things, things I kinda wish I didn't, for example; there was a girl there who I knew my entire life, we don't talk as much as people think we do and I had always thought of her as a person who was made of steel but tonight she broke down in front of me and I kinda wanted to cry, it wasn't from sadness nor happiness, it was just how real the moment felt, it was kinda like watching your mother cry and because of your relationship to her, you cry as well unless I'm the only one that does that... yeah, that sounds really unnatural now that I think about it. I also learnt that there are readers closer to me than I think which is pretty fucking metal, they're the people who I probably know the least and yet they probably know me better than most because of it, odd, innit ? I can barely recall their names but they know I dislike the heat and that I own a fapjar which might be considered "personal" to most and if they didn't know, well I suppose they know now, my bad. There're a bunch of other things too but I don't want this to drag on too much, guess I'll just keep the rest to myself and hope it'll all come back when I re-read this post and I will do just that on a number of occasions I predict.

Oh, and mad props to the Quad god Tai for hosting a sick event, I'm glad I was/am drunk, the light in everything becomes so much more apparent.

Jazz City Poet - Gowe (Gifted On West East)

Friday 11 October 2013

Baby I'm yours.

"My nipples are so hard, they can cut through diamond!"
- Andy Le, on skype with his friends. I wonder what kind of conversation would spark up a comment like that.

Today felt eventful but when I sit down and write about it, it doesn't seem like much would come out, I guess that's why I always unknowingly write about the meta side of my day, just like now.

Ran some errands with Betty the slut (everyone rides her) bumped into David Melara who I then took out for coffee with Jack and Leon and even though I can say that more happened, I don't think I would write them here, not because they're boring or anything but it feels unnecessary. I know that if I wrote about my day in detail, one thing would lead into another to the point where it would get boring reading it any further and I wrote the fucker, too. If I can't entertain myself, I don't know how I can entertain others. I didn't start this blog for others but if there are any readers, I think I would like to make it something we can both enjoy. I think.

I also attended Lil-Yen's birthday celebration, slow-paced but it wasn't something I dislike. It's important for everything to take their own pace and even though it was something I wasn't used to, I think I could come to like if it had occurred more often but ain't no nigga got time for that. Picture of the night award goes toooooooo.

I think this image captures my good side, I really do. If I had to describe it, "Beautifully fucked up" comes to mind.

People can be so cool, especially Lil-Yen, she's a cool cat.

Baby, I'm Your's - Breakbot & Irfane

Thursday 10 October 2013

Trying to be cool.

"Holy shit, you turned all that fat into muscle!"
- Grant Hartigan, to which I replied "YEAHHHHH MOTHERFUCKERRRRRR!" everyone looked at me but I'm sure glad I don't give any fucks about public image, shit's overrated, dude.

I wake up at random times, man. I wake up at 8am then sleep again til 10am then sleep again til 12am and my perception of what day it is is all fucked up which is strange because I have coffee every morning but it barely helps. I think I spent a majority of the day with Tai, even though we're neighbors and shit, I really didn't expect to be so.... social. You'd think something like that would be expected but I've been Lam's and Leon's neighbor far longer and even though we say we'd go out and do shit, it never really happens, I guess that's what put my expectations to the ground about everything, which is good, don't get me wrong. Having your expectations go to the shitter is almost a blessing because no matter what happens, things can only go up and that's pretty fucking metal.

My house is no longer the place where people crash anymore, I think I passed that on to Tai. Already, he's getting visitor by the bulk and he's more hospitable than me (which is all honestly, doesn't take much. Must be the air conditioning, that noonga) He even snuck me in to his gym and that's where I met Grant after so many years. We went home earlier than intended but I finished up the rest at my own gym. It's pre' cool exercising our common interests together, makes you realize things about your friends that you would otherwise not of realized, it's kinda beautiful.

I'm kinda ticked that that bloke can drive my car better than I can. It's just not right. I'm pretty certain Tai's a robot.

Trying To Be Cool (Allure Remix) - Phoenix

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Daddy's money.

"Drink this, we're going to the gym."
- Dante Le, early fucking morning.

I'm sick, been sick for the past week and although my body doesn't feel like it, the insides sure do. Dante woke me up at 8am and took me to the gym in my half-asleep state, I barely did anything but I suppose something is better than nothing. While Dante and I were there, I received a text from old mate saying she had left cheese crackers at my doorstep which honestly warmed my heart and made me giggle like a little girl in front of all these manly men at the gym and I didn't even feel bad about it.

Oh, while I'm on the subject of old mate, why is no one directly referring to each other ? I used "old mate" because I see a similar thing happen on the webz and I'm confused as to why you guys do that. It's like you guys are super-secret agents working for a super-secret company under the your current guise, holy shit, what if that is the case and I'm right on the money ? I've known one of you since grade 1 and the other since grade 9 and I'm only discovering this now ? Maybe it's got something to do with your privacy or your cautiousness for avoiding drama, either way, let me tell you guys now that it's fucking stupid and the only reason why I'm playing along with your little ruses is because I don't want to blow your super-secret cover and reveal to everyone your super-secret identity IF you guys actually are super-secret agents that work for a super-secret company. Holy shit, where was I ?

Never got to see old mate but I'm munching on her cheese crackers as I type this and nigga, it ain't bad at all. Reading that previous sentence makes me think that even my subconsciousness is making sexual double-entendres. What a beautiful mind I have.

Hoa dropped by to invite me to Poppy's with him, Tai, Oscar, Trumpet and KT but because of this virus, I don't have much of an appetite and thus caused me to miss out on what might've been the best burger in the area but I didn't lament it as much as it sounds like I did, if anything, in the event that I should pick between going out and spending money or stay home, I'd much rather stay home. We visited Oscar where he works and bummed at Tai's until they went to Poppy's and that pretty much sums up my day.

Daddy's Money - Johnny Stimson

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Call on me.

"You got to lead this team to victory, Kevin!"
- Tai Pham, as he led the team to victory, it was a very ironic moment for me.

Been listening to a lot of discothrill, like, a lotttt of discothrill. I don't think you understand the amount of discothrill I've been listening to. I listen to so much disco, that people from the 70's would go "goddamn, you listen to a lot of disco." and I won't be able to retort to that since it's true, the best I could probably come up with in an unprobable situation like that would be something like "yep." 

Since it's Tuesday, sports at Springfield ensued and activities were afoot. Basketball and Futsul has been happening every Tuesday for a long time now, I'm starting to think this isn't one of those things that teenagers just stop on a whim, it's like one of those thing that everyone goes to for their own reason, may it be to get fit, keep in touch in people they otherwise would not have been bothered to keep in touch with, for fun or maybe a mixture of a few but this has been constant and it might stay constant which in all honesty, surprises me. I had assumed that it would die out but after today, I don't think that was going to happen anytime soon, which is a good thing, I think every one of us is in need of a little sweat every now and then, shit, even Hoa is going regularly now, fucking Hoa of all people, amazing. 

Jack is shit at driving and his taste for music is terrible, it's not the music itself but his comfortable whereabouts and volume are all fucked up, that nigga needs to learn to be more considerate when it comes to music, I say that because I, myself, am not all that considerate when it comes to anything else.

Call On Me - Eric Prydz

Monday 7 October 2013

Technicolor symphony.

"Why are you here ?"
- Kevin Le to Andy Le for about, 5 hours.

Holidays ended yesterday for all the school kids and even though I did find Andy's constant presence in this house annoying at times, what with his screaming, shouting, snoring, coughing, and how he takes advantage of getting his preference around the house, it was a little too quiet without him around this morning. I woke up to complete silence, drove to Zaraffa's where I enjoyed my coffee contemplating who I could play pranks on now that the kids are back in school, while I thought this as I drove home with the windows down, music blaring at a reasonable level as I do not have any EDM in my car, I saw him. Andy was outside my house, on a Tuesday morning at around 8am with only the words "I am sick" that he fakishly uttered. It was strange thinking about all that only to have nothing change at all, at least for another day, apparently, he didn't manage to finish the homework that was set for him for 2 weeks so he called in sick. Truth be told, he was actually sick, I recall him vomiting on a number of occasions the day before and I should've seen this coming. This dude reminds me of me so much, it pains me to know that he might end up like me so I spent the day, pirating the programs he needed to do his homework, god only knows why he didn't come to me sooner. Maybe I'm failing as an older brother, I don't see why else he wouldn't come to me for help, that is unless he planned this all along and wanted another day off from school, another thing I would've done as a kid. It's almost like I'm watching my life from Dante's perspective if he was ever there, a very entertaining movie :L 

By the way, primary school kids have surprisingly difficult homework and they actually check up on it, too. Nothing like what I had to deal with, Andy sure has it rough, as much as any other kid would I suppose.

Technicolor Symphony - Tyler Touche & Sterling Silver

Sunday 6 October 2013

The knocks.

- Andy Le, right before he killed everyone in a shooting game he was playing, that kid is too good at shooting games, puts me and Dante to shame with ease, it's a good thing we'll never admit to him how good he is since brothers are like that, there's nothing more that could hurt your pride as an older brother than admitting defeat to your younger brother, you know, I think that's why men are so stupid. Also, can someone give me the source of that .gif ? I must know what that is, it looks so delicious.

Denne gave me a call late afternoon today, he muttered something about a fish so I just assumed he wanted to go fishing. I'm not much a fishing person but it has been quite a while since I've seen/felt/smelt the sea and some fresh air was exactly what my day begged for. I assumed it was just us two since he literally said "so just us two?" but I was blessed with the company of his cool-as-fuck girlfriend, if I ever mention her, she will be referred to as "Squishy" since it actually takes me a good minute or two to remember her real name, even then, it doesn't sit as well as "Squishy" does.

We left at 7 and didn't head home til 11 and the time I had spent with these two in between was nice as far as I was concerned, if this was what third wheeling is then shit nigga, I don't mind that shit at all but the fact that they weren't in each other's faces a majority of the time probably helped though even if they were, I don't think I'd feel uncomfortable. I spent the day, singing, fishing (for like, 10 minutes) and eating and honestly, there are very few things that could top an evening like that. I'm thankful they invited me out, I needed that, wait, I probably didn't need it but it was a moment that was nice to have :L

Saturday 5 October 2013

Little lady.

"Go hard or go harder!"
- Kevin Le 

it feels weird to quote myself, I don't do it to seem obnoxious or anything of the sort, it's just that the quote of the day is just a line that sticks to me when I start my post and I don't go out much or rather, I try not to anymore so my quotes usually come from either me, Dante or Andy, you know, people who I'm usually around. Huh, maybe that's like a sign that I should go out and do stuff but oddly enough, that's what got me in my little slump yesterday. Life is a vicious cycle of hellos and goodbyes, both of which are surprisingly equally unpleasant to say in a lot of cases. Goddamn I sound like such a douche.

Friday 4 October 2013

Where we land.

"Wanna hoon around Inala ?"
- Lam Nguyen, he didn't really say that but he might as well have since that is what we did for a good chunk of our night.

Tonight was the first time I ever went hooning and even though I say "hooning" I can't really say what we did was all that bad. Lam and I cruised around Inala and stopped by familiar houses; Randy's, Leon's, Tai's and Teresa's to name a few. It's not as fun as people make it out to be but that's probably because there was a lack of reaction from the houses, needless to say, I won't be doing that stuff ever again, unless like, something important was on the line but what are the chances of that happening ?

I wish I could be "more into" things, ya know ? It feels like I'm fading away or something, it's not a bad feeling but it's just not something I experienced before. Maybe it's the aftermath of going out so much, like I'm becoming too used to being around people that I now long for it, seek it even. I know this is just a phase but I never thought something like this could affect me the way it has, I also know I'll get over it really soon but for now, I would like to write this down, I'm sure these words can remind me of this uneasiness better than anything else could. I was good where I was I think, staying indoors, rarely communicating with people being about my business but it doesn't seem healthy, whether it is or not is something I'll never know now. I think I needed this, put a crack in my nutshell, so to speak.

Thursday 3 October 2013

I love it.

"I said I'm gonna turn Kiet into a machine, still in progress though."
- Hoc Vu, some small talk while we waited for our banh xeo.

It's very rare that Dante would willingly spend time with my circle of friends, looks like he grew kinda attached to Hoc, I guess it's his down-to-earth-do-I-look-like-I-give-a-fuck face/personality, it's what made me want to know him anyway. Hoc joined Dante and myself for banh xeo again, we spent a good amount of the day scavenging around our respective homes looking for $8 just so we could come back, I had to resort to using my fap jar unfortunately but I'd say it was worth it.

Nothing other than that happened that really mattered. I got sick for the first time in what feels like years tonight, it was one of those sicknesses that makes you wonder how anyone else can be fine. "How can you do that and not fall to the ground due to over sensitivity?" kinda like that. I'm starting to think it's that banh xeo but it's hard to believe that something I love so much can do something so horrible to me. It's hot, then it's cold, then it's both, then I want to puke, then I want to eat. Sicknesses are weird.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Something more.

"Just add a bit of milk *pours milk into container* then shake it up a little *shakes the fuck out of container* and voila, a milkshake!"
- Dante Le

Wanted banh xeo, didn't get any banh xeo, now let me wallow in my post-didn't-get-any-fucking-banh-xeo depression.

Been going out a little but too much but today was the first time I actually just stayed at home and did nothing for a while. I don't think it's because I'm "hermit" but I think it's because I don't usually get the opportunity to go out with others and when someone actually invites me out, I'm out the door in an instant but it does become a little too much at times. Going out is all good but staying at home is just as good, need dat yin to dat yang, ya feel, unless it's staying at home with banh xeo, then it's just too much yin/yang.

Tuesday 1 October 2013


"Let's get some banh xeo geeeeeeeeee."
- Dante. exercising his new verbal tick, it's pretty contagious so I warn you not to be around that guy. Anything that guy does is contagious now that I think about it.

Quite a bit happened today and none of it was expected. Hoc drove his car to the mechanics next to where Video Ezy used to be and asked me to give him a lift back home when he was done, I had shit all to do and I figured a drive would do me some good but when Dante caught me walking towards Betty, he took this chance to take care of a little business, he took my keys off me, picked up Hoc, said nothing the entire drive and before I knew what was going on, we were in Ipswich, yeah, I don't even either. Hoc must've been so confused, this wasn't the first time Dante did something like this to me. I remember there was a time where I thought I was going home after work and boy, I could not have been more wrong, I ended up at Browns Stains and met his then-new girlfriend who I had regretfully grown quite attached to, I don't even know where I'm going with this story so I'll just stop here.

Dante's friend was advertising her mother's banh xeo business on Facebook and took Hoc and I there for brunch, if you guys are hungry and have $8 laying about, I recommend this place, man, felt a like a little Vietnam.

It says 7am to 5pm but really, it's 10am to 7pm. Shit is fantastic.