Friday 25 October 2013

Our story.

"Did... did Dash Berlin really just like Hong's comment ?"
- Kevin Le

I recall saying something along the lines of "I wish I was more into things" in an earlier post but I don't think I meant what I meant at the time. It's more like I wish the circumstances were appropriate for me when those things happen. I received texts awhile ago from Hong who relayed the following: 

"broooooo, Dash coming back to bris on feb 9 Tickets coming out on 24th oct"
would've replied but credit kinda died that  morning, xin loi dep trai.

And it was right then that I decided I'd make an effort to go to all things I missed out on this year next year, you know, live it up a little and it's people like Tai, Hong, Hoc and everyone else who are so immersed in their respective interests that plant that seed into my head, the whole "you might as well go, bro, fuck, we're all going" message and it's something I'm really lucky to have. These people know me but they still ask if I want to go to so-and-so or blah-blah-blah and eventually, if it comes up enough, I just might want to go just for the shits n' giggles even though I know I'll have a blast with the best company in the world and even if I don't, I'll make it so. I hope things go right this year, the way I pave into next year will motivate me to do things like Tough Muddah, Spartan Race, Colour Run, Neon Run, Bridge to Brisbane, Marathon festival and all those other events that I wasn't fit enough to participate in this year in addition to a metric fucktonne of music festivals I didn't get to attend. I really hope I don't go back on my word. I think I've hit this phase where I just want to be there when things happen which is strange seeing as though it was the complete opposite for all these years but change is inevitable and even though it's scary, it's kinda exciting.

Our Story - Mako