Sunday 13 October 2013

Stuck on you.

"Where the fuck is Alex ?"
- Everyone.

Alex has this thing he does where he will spend the night at your place for whatever reason and wake up in the middle of the night/early morning and just fuck off somewhere without a word, he's done that to me like, 5 times so far and I used to worry about him but now I just don't give a fuck. Denne and Squishy also left, it kinda makes me feel bad though, whenever Alex or whoever does that, I assume there's something wrong with my house and I do try to make it more comfortable for the people who stay but shit man, that can only go for so long, now I don't give a fuck, I still make an effort for my visitors but if my efforts ain't good enough, I'll show them the door and even pack their shit just so I can politely tell them to fuck off with love. I'm such a top bloke.

I have bruises on my nipples, what the fuck did I do last night to get those ? I'll ask around later but for now, my nipples require ice. Oh god that feels amazing. 

Flynn went home so I had morning coffee with TD, Teddy, Leon, Tai, Hoa and KT, Trumpet was there but she was in her car. I went home and they went to run and volunteer, it's amazing how far people go to indulge themselves in culture and events, I would like to do that one day, when I'm not such a stinge and more financially stable. I hope to be apart of every event next year and every year after it, something about waking up every morning with a tight schedule I enjoy, a purpose, yes, I would like to have a purpose BUT RIGHT NOW I SHALL DO NOTHING AND WAIT PATIENTLY FOR THINGS AND STUFFS.

Holy shit, how did I forget ?

Happy 19th Birthday, Leon!
Hope you spent it how you wanted it to though I doubt it since you were probably hung over like a naked black dude on a mountain.

Stuck On You - Meiko

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