Saturday 12 October 2013

Jazz city poet.

"Looks like you need more alcohol."
- Tai's mother. I don't know if I heard her right or she just implied it but shit, she da niggest.

I am way too drunk to be blogging. I have 6 people sleeping at my house as I type this, Flynn surprisingly snores really loud, it doesn't hold a candle to Andy but it's up there. 

I woke up, did my thing at Zaraffa's, went back home and thought about today. In all honesty, the fact that there was a party today completely flew over my head and I spent the entire morning wondering what I was forgetting, luck would have it, I wasn't the only one as Hoc had also forgotten about his own house warming party. Makes me glad to know that some things don't change :L what the fuck why can't I get this stupid grin off my face ? oh yeah, I'm fucking drunk. Hold up, I'll be right back in a few hours, gotta go freshen up.

Okay, it's 2am and I can kinda find my own limbs with ease I think. Ummm, I spontaneously picked up Hoc to buy what left was needed for the party as well as other things I needed for my own household and we met up with the rest of the guys. The amount of preparation was insane to our standards and I think everyone underestimated what it takes to be a host of a proper party, I swear we need a universal check list for this kind of shit. 

It was a weird night for me, fun, that's for sure but also weird. I learnt many things, things I kinda wish I didn't, for example; there was a girl there who I knew my entire life, we don't talk as much as people think we do and I had always thought of her as a person who was made of steel but tonight she broke down in front of me and I kinda wanted to cry, it wasn't from sadness nor happiness, it was just how real the moment felt, it was kinda like watching your mother cry and because of your relationship to her, you cry as well unless I'm the only one that does that... yeah, that sounds really unnatural now that I think about it. I also learnt that there are readers closer to me than I think which is pretty fucking metal, they're the people who I probably know the least and yet they probably know me better than most because of it, odd, innit ? I can barely recall their names but they know I dislike the heat and that I own a fapjar which might be considered "personal" to most and if they didn't know, well I suppose they know now, my bad. There're a bunch of other things too but I don't want this to drag on too much, guess I'll just keep the rest to myself and hope it'll all come back when I re-read this post and I will do just that on a number of occasions I predict.

Oh, and mad props to the Quad god Tai for hosting a sick event, I'm glad I was/am drunk, the light in everything becomes so much more apparent.

Jazz City Poet - Gowe (Gifted On West East)

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