Saturday 19 October 2013

Rock with you.

"What the fuck!?"
- Flynn Huynh, right after TD vomited on him.

Vomit played a large part today, out of all the things my day could revolve around, I don't think anyone could've guessed that it would be vomit.

I spent the morning with Dante as he took me with him to gym and after we were done, we both ran to the furtherest bush so we could throw up. I glad he threw up, he looked so calm and composed but the moment we stepped out, his face told me he was going to vomit and as he vomited, I vomited and I guess this caused some sort of chain reaction because when he got home, Andy was in the toilet probably vomiting, too.

I picked Kiet up from his house and we made our way to TD's place for his birthday party. Not much else happened that are worth mentioning, we did the things just about anyone else would do at a party, everyone made an effort to get each other drunk until there was nothing left and we all fucked off home. These last few birthdays have been odd, I ask what would be an ideal gift to the birthday boy/girl but they always reply with the same shit "I just want you to be there" or "nothing" which is all well and good but whenever I do rock up I feel bad because everyone else chipped in for a pony covered in diamonds that poops strawberries. Maybe I really got to start being thoughtful and considerate and all that bullshit just to get by instead of putting people into corners to receive an objective, I'd prefer it if people were more straightforward but hey, beggers can't be choosers, I suppose.

Rock With You (Baptiste MCMXCI Remix) - Michael Jackson

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