Tuesday 29 October 2013

Mind shift.

"Yeah, that's kinda gay, aye ?"
- Dante Le.

Whenever I'm at home, chances are, I'm probably naked and it's not the typical burmused shuffle you'd imagine, it's more like a stride of glorified pride where nothing can nudge me from my throne. While in this state, Dante happened to see me in my entirety which isn't uncommon, mind you, I did what anyone in the wrong mind would do and danced and for some odd reason, the moment Dante saw Excalibur he said "that reminds me, I need to fap" which I then laughed uncontrollably. When he asked what was so funny I told him "you needed to fap when you saw my dick!" which then prompted the quote of the day and that, single-handedly, made my year. What a homo :L

Mumsies hasn't been letting me do anything these days, I suppose it's because I'm so close to getting my P's, she doesn't want me to get caught which is understandable but not going to the gym, Inala, Richlands or anywhere else for that matter is a little demoralizing. Staying at home is all well and good but if I stay here too long, I end up sleeping for hours on end and doing random shit like wash the car, play pranks and go insane which isn't good for anybody.

There was a bunch of other shit I wanted to type but I can't, for the life of me, remember what they were. Shame that.

Mind Shift - World Order

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