Saturday 26 October 2013

Go it alone.

"Fuck you, Kevin, you fucking cunt."
- Ken Lee, after talking to him on the phone for a few minutes all while thinking he was talking to Dante, we're indistinguishable over the phone. They call each other "boo boo" :L  disturbingly cute.

Morning was spent with Denne, Squishy and Hoc. Denne had gathered us to play pool at Sunnybank and I think it did all of us some good, we left slightly more fufilled, well, that's what it felt like, as for what really happened, I'll never know but I prefer it like that.

Got a visit from Tai (I was going to say "neighbor" and leave him anonymous but then I realized how amazingly fucking stupid that is unless like, you prefer that I don't mention you directly but what are the chances of that ? there's like, 4 people that know I even have one of these things. I totally forgot where I was going with this..) and we just chilled all while showcasing our tastes in music which is always nice, never know where you can find the inspiration to broaden your tastes. Oh, sorry if I smelt like a dead rabbit that's been sitting three quarter miles away from the surface of the sun for months on end, didn't really shower til I smelt my own stench and vomited in my mouth a little only to consume it again after you left.

I developed a habit of walking my guests to their means of transportation and I think this is a good thing, granted, I only started today but I think this is something like this will stick. You never know, man, rape could be just around the corner from my house and I'll be damned before anyone utters "I got raped in front of Kevin's house".

I think I learnt how to be a son today. I used to find it hard to say things like "yeah, you're right, I'm sorry. I love you" when it comes to my mumsies but that shit comes off faster than my clothes when I'm at home now. I think regardless if you know you're right or not, your parents deserve to have the limelight their entire lives and it makes me sad to only realize that now. These days, I don't even know what I'm apologizing for but if mumsies can bothered to bring it up with me then I can trust her enough to know that I fucked up somewhere along the way and admitting that to her is equally as satisfying as painting her house purple (that bitch loves her purple) and if that's all it takes, then shit, I'll record that shit and leave it as my voice mail, just:


- "I'm sorry mum, you're right, I'm sorry. Love you

- "come home early, son"

bam, that's it but it's sad that the words I'm saying have no meaning when I don't know why I'm saying them, it's basically false hope that gives her that fake comfort. Huh, I think I'm conflicted, guess I'll watch Pokemon or something.

woo, long ass post. You know what I could live without ? asshole hair, wait, any hair from the chin down really but if we did grow up like that, then how can I be grateful for something that I never knew that could happen ? How could I appreciate no pubes unless I had pubes ? holy shit, I being so deep right now. I'M NORMAL, YOU'RE WEIRD.

Go it Alone - Dash Berlin & Sarah Howells

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