Wednesday 2 October 2013

Something more.

"Just add a bit of milk *pours milk into container* then shake it up a little *shakes the fuck out of container* and voila, a milkshake!"
- Dante Le

Wanted banh xeo, didn't get any banh xeo, now let me wallow in my post-didn't-get-any-fucking-banh-xeo depression.

Been going out a little but too much but today was the first time I actually just stayed at home and did nothing for a while. I don't think it's because I'm "hermit" but I think it's because I don't usually get the opportunity to go out with others and when someone actually invites me out, I'm out the door in an instant but it does become a little too much at times. Going out is all good but staying at home is just as good, need dat yin to dat yang, ya feel, unless it's staying at home with banh xeo, then it's just too much yin/yang.

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