Sunday 6 October 2013

The knocks.

- Andy Le, right before he killed everyone in a shooting game he was playing, that kid is too good at shooting games, puts me and Dante to shame with ease, it's a good thing we'll never admit to him how good he is since brothers are like that, there's nothing more that could hurt your pride as an older brother than admitting defeat to your younger brother, you know, I think that's why men are so stupid. Also, can someone give me the source of that .gif ? I must know what that is, it looks so delicious.

Denne gave me a call late afternoon today, he muttered something about a fish so I just assumed he wanted to go fishing. I'm not much a fishing person but it has been quite a while since I've seen/felt/smelt the sea and some fresh air was exactly what my day begged for. I assumed it was just us two since he literally said "so just us two?" but I was blessed with the company of his cool-as-fuck girlfriend, if I ever mention her, she will be referred to as "Squishy" since it actually takes me a good minute or two to remember her real name, even then, it doesn't sit as well as "Squishy" does.

We left at 7 and didn't head home til 11 and the time I had spent with these two in between was nice as far as I was concerned, if this was what third wheeling is then shit nigga, I don't mind that shit at all but the fact that they weren't in each other's faces a majority of the time probably helped though even if they were, I don't think I'd feel uncomfortable. I spent the day, singing, fishing (for like, 10 minutes) and eating and honestly, there are very few things that could top an evening like that. I'm thankful they invited me out, I needed that, wait, I probably didn't need it but it was a moment that was nice to have :L

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