Friday 4 October 2013

Where we land.

"Wanna hoon around Inala ?"
- Lam Nguyen, he didn't really say that but he might as well have since that is what we did for a good chunk of our night.

Tonight was the first time I ever went hooning and even though I say "hooning" I can't really say what we did was all that bad. Lam and I cruised around Inala and stopped by familiar houses; Randy's, Leon's, Tai's and Teresa's to name a few. It's not as fun as people make it out to be but that's probably because there was a lack of reaction from the houses, needless to say, I won't be doing that stuff ever again, unless like, something important was on the line but what are the chances of that happening ?

I wish I could be "more into" things, ya know ? It feels like I'm fading away or something, it's not a bad feeling but it's just not something I experienced before. Maybe it's the aftermath of going out so much, like I'm becoming too used to being around people that I now long for it, seek it even. I know this is just a phase but I never thought something like this could affect me the way it has, I also know I'll get over it really soon but for now, I would like to write this down, I'm sure these words can remind me of this uneasiness better than anything else could. I was good where I was I think, staying indoors, rarely communicating with people being about my business but it doesn't seem healthy, whether it is or not is something I'll never know now. I think I needed this, put a crack in my nutshell, so to speak.

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