Wednesday 16 October 2013

Kangaroo court.

""E" is for "igloo""
- Dante Le, his attempt at spelling. In all honesty, I don't even know if he's trolling anymore, man. You can't possibly be that stupid, can you ?

Today was spent mostly in the company of Dante, Andy and Kiet, haha what a strange combination. 70 poinciana street was bombarded with visitors today, opened the door more times than I care to remember and it felt kinda good, even paid Tai a visit on his study break, truth be told, I probably overstayed his welcome, I tend to fuck up people's productivity and Tai was no exception, it was nice though, taking 10 seconds of my time to talk up the road to visit someone who used to live 50,000,000 days away because we all know that Goodna might as well be in China.

Dante had asked Kiet to clean his computer since he has a certain reputation about him but I'm pretty sure I'll be going into the specifics in another post, because of Dante's request, we drove to officeworks to buy some shit and bumped into Mr. Hogan who surprisingly remembers Dante. Even though I spent the day with Andy and Dante, I can't for the life of me, remember what we did, I do recall spelling "Acacia Ridge" over 20 times, though but that's about it. It's been a strange day and I'm glad to know there will be a fuck tonne more to come. Strange is the new "wonderful" niggas, get wit it.

Kangaroo Court - Capital Cities

1 comment:

  1. Haha nah dude, I was just setting time restraints on everything I did yesterday since I needed work to be finished. It'll be different once the semester is over :P
