Wednesday 9 October 2013

Daddy's money.

"Drink this, we're going to the gym."
- Dante Le, early fucking morning.

I'm sick, been sick for the past week and although my body doesn't feel like it, the insides sure do. Dante woke me up at 8am and took me to the gym in my half-asleep state, I barely did anything but I suppose something is better than nothing. While Dante and I were there, I received a text from old mate saying she had left cheese crackers at my doorstep which honestly warmed my heart and made me giggle like a little girl in front of all these manly men at the gym and I didn't even feel bad about it.

Oh, while I'm on the subject of old mate, why is no one directly referring to each other ? I used "old mate" because I see a similar thing happen on the webz and I'm confused as to why you guys do that. It's like you guys are super-secret agents working for a super-secret company under the your current guise, holy shit, what if that is the case and I'm right on the money ? I've known one of you since grade 1 and the other since grade 9 and I'm only discovering this now ? Maybe it's got something to do with your privacy or your cautiousness for avoiding drama, either way, let me tell you guys now that it's fucking stupid and the only reason why I'm playing along with your little ruses is because I don't want to blow your super-secret cover and reveal to everyone your super-secret identity IF you guys actually are super-secret agents that work for a super-secret company. Holy shit, where was I ?

Never got to see old mate but I'm munching on her cheese crackers as I type this and nigga, it ain't bad at all. Reading that previous sentence makes me think that even my subconsciousness is making sexual double-entendres. What a beautiful mind I have.

Hoa dropped by to invite me to Poppy's with him, Tai, Oscar, Trumpet and KT but because of this virus, I don't have much of an appetite and thus caused me to miss out on what might've been the best burger in the area but I didn't lament it as much as it sounds like I did, if anything, in the event that I should pick between going out and spending money or stay home, I'd much rather stay home. We visited Oscar where he works and bummed at Tai's until they went to Poppy's and that pretty much sums up my day.

Daddy's Money - Johnny Stimson

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